  • 學位論文


The Study of Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN) User Behaviors - An Example of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 黃明達


本校在去年底強化了本校的無線網路環境,加強了許多在校園內可無線上網的據點,讓學生能更為享受學校提供無線網路所帶來的便利性。因此,本研究主要的目的在探討更新過後學生的使用行為以及更新之後的滿意度。 本研究主要以整合型科技接受與使用模式(Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT)(Venkatesh et al., 2003)來探討使用者對於無線網路的使用意向。透過文獻的收集與整理,採用紙本問卷的方式對學生發放,以確保填答的學生是本人,結果發現: 1.績效期望與努力期望會正向影響使用者使用無線網路的意圖,而使用意圖會正向影響實際使用。其中,以績效期望的影響程度最為顯著。 2.使用者對使用無線網路的績效期望會受到性別、年齡、經驗等控制變數的干擾而影響使用意圖。 3.使用者對使用無線網路的努力期望不會受到性別、年齡、經驗的干擾而影響使用意圖。 4.使用者對使用無線網路的社群影響會受到性別、經驗、等控制變數的干擾而影響使用意圖。 5.促成因素不會受到任何的控制變數而影響實際使用無線網路的行為。


This school strengthened this school wireless network environment at the end of last year, strengthened many foothold which may access the net wireless in the campus, enables the student more to enjoy the school to provide the convenience which the wireless network brings. Therefore, this research main goal after the discussion renews from now on student's use behavior as well as will renew the degree of satisfaction. This research mainly accepts by the conformity science and technology with the use pattern (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al., 2003) discusses the user regarding the wireless network's use intention. By the literature collection and the reorganization, use the paper to interrogate the volume way to provide to the student, guaranteed that fills in the student who answers is myself, finally discovered: 1.The achievements expected that with expected diligently can affect the user to use the wireless network's intention, but will use the intention to affect the actual use. And, is most remarkable by the achievements expectation's influence. 2.The user for uses the wireless network's achievements to expect that can receive control variable and so on sex, age, experience disturbances to affect the use intention. 3.The user for uses the wireless network's expectation diligently not to be able to receive the sex, the age, experience's disturbance to affect the use intention. 4.The user for uses the wireless network's social group influence to be able to receive the sex, the experience, and so on control variable disturbances to affect the use intention. 5.The contributory cause will not receive any control variable to affect the actual use wireless network's behavior.


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