  • 學位論文


The Study of LI Hongzhang and the Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships in Late Imperial China, 1874-1891

指導教授 : 王樾


晚清購艦政策的擬定施行,既反映了清代國防的現實需求,也是中國嘗試維繫東亞霸權的最後嘗試。為了對抗列強的軍事威脅,清廷陸續購入了炮艇、巡洋艦與鐵甲艦等戰艦。北洋大臣李鴻章不僅主導了購艦政策的發展,更一手創立了中國第一支近代化海軍「北洋艦隊」。   2008年刊行的新版《李鴻章全集》,收錄了大量前未得見的軍機處檔案、密諭與李鴻章和同僚間的私人信函,這些史料在以往的研究中並未有效利用。而本研究以《李鴻章全集》為史料基礎,發現李鴻章經營江南製造總局的背景、為了探悉西方海軍技術所設置的私人情報網絡,以及政治上的突發事件,正是購艦政策的內容不斷改變的主因。   本文著重指出,購艦政策的演進,與李鴻章個人海軍知識的發展過程密切相關,前後有過四次重要的改變,分別為:李鴻章在征討太平軍時和西方軍隊的第一次接觸、自製軍艦失敗後購艦取向的轉變、海防籌議後著手擬訂購艦政策的內容,和中法戰爭後購艦活動的高峰與停滯。透過對這四個階段的史事考究,本研究當能對清季購艦政策的全貌,提供較為完整的補述。


During the period of Late Imperial China, the Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships was reflected the indeed needs of national defense in Qing Dynasty, also the ultimate attempt to keep hegemony in East Asia. To against the military threaten from other various powers, the Qing Dynasty continually purchased the gunboats, cruiser, ironclad warship and other kinds of naval vessels. The Minister of Beiyang Li Hongzhang had led the development of policy of ship-buying, and also built the first modernize navy of China - The Beiyang Fleet.   In the year of 2008, there was a new version of Li Hongzhang quan ji(The Collected Works of Li Hongzhang, 李鴻章全集)published at that time. It shows that it collected the plenty of Archives of the Grand Council, the secret edicts and some personal letters between Li Hongzhang and his private staff. These historical materials had not been used efficiently in the past research. But this research is based on the Collected Works of Li Hongzhang and discovered the management background of Jiangnan Machinery Manufacture Bureau(江南機器製造局), Li’s personal intelligence network to investigate the technology of Western navy, and the unpredictable event in politics. It was the main reasons why the content of the Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships would continually changes at that time.   In this research, it was pointed out that the development of Li’s personal navy knowledge was connected with the evolution of Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships. It had four important changes in this affair such as, at First, the first contact with Western army when Li Hongzhang compete for Taiping Rebellion; second, the transition of the Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships, third, the content of Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships after the debate on coast defense and last, the peak or stagnation time of purchasing warships activity after Sino-French war. Through the historical investigation of these four important variations, this research can provide the integrated statement for the Policy of Purchasing Foreign Warships in Late Imperial China.


1. Wright, Richard N.J.. 2000. The Chinese Steam Navy 1862-1945. London:
Chatham Publishing Press.
