  • 學位論文


A Study of Ha Jin’s novels

指導教授 : 呂正惠
共同指導教授 : 蘇敏逸(Min-Yi Su)


哈金,本名金雪飛,英文筆名Ha Jin,華裔美籍作家,目前以英文創作。1999年以《等待》獲得美國文學界的最高獎「美國國家書卷獎」,2000年《等待》再次獲得美國最大的小說獎項──美國筆會/福克納小說獎,2005年《戰廢品》贏得第25屆美國筆會/福克納小說獎,並入圍普利茲獎和桐山文學獎,這種得獎經驗讓土生土長的美國作家都望塵莫及,如今哈金的作品已被譯成二十多種文字。《等待》獲得美國筆會/福克納小說獎時,講評譽為「在疏離的後現代時期,仍然堅持寫實路線的偉大作家之一。」 在台灣從2000年開始,時報文化出版了一系列哈金小說,出版界、文學雜誌一系列的介紹,掀起一股哈金小說熱潮。在大陸哈金小說的威力也震撼了學術界,雖然出版界因政治因素只出版《等待》一書,其他一律禁止出版,但學界對哈金小說的批評卻紛至沓來。筆者認為哈金小說必將掀起另一波熱潮,而目前在台灣對哈金小說的研究還不足以論述哈金小說全貌,因此引發寫此篇論文的動力。 本論文共一冊,約十四萬字,分為八章。研究目的在說明哈金小說的歷史、社會意義,文學藝術上的表現。第一章:緒論,說明研究動機、 研究範圍、前人研究的成果、研究步驟及章節配置。第二章:歸納和分析哈金生處的時代背景、個人生命歷程、文學之路。第三章:分析哈金小說中以文革為背景的小說《光天化日:鄉村的故事》《等待》。第四章: 分析哈金小說中以改革開放為背景的小說《新郎》《池塘》《瘋狂》。第五章:分析哈金小說中以以戰爭題材為背景的小說《好兵》《戰廢品》。第六章:分析哈金小說中以移居美國為題材的小說《自由生活》。第七章:歸納分析哈金小說中情節的安排、人物的刻劃、景物的描寫,探討哈金小說藝術上的表現。第八章:從「哈金小說風格特色」和「哈金小說成功要件」兩個面向,對本論文提出結論。 關鍵詞:哈金、現代小說、華裔美籍作家、文革小說。


Jin Xue-fei is a contemporary Chinese-American writer and writes in English using the pen name of Ha Jin. He has won the National Book Award in 1999 and the PEN/Faulkner Award in 2000 for his novel Waiting. Also, his War Trash won the PEN/Faulkner Award in 2005 and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Kiriyama Pacific Rim Book Prize. These awards have distinguished Ha Jin from many other native American writers. His works has been translated into more than twenty languages so far. When Waiting won the PEN/Faulkner Award in 2000, the judges praised Ha Jin as “﹝having﹞established himself as one of the great sturdy realists still writing in a postmodern age.” In Taiwan, China Times Publishing Company starts to publish a series of Ha Jin’s novels from 2000 on, and thus creates a craze for them with the introduction from publishers and literary magazines. In China, the power of Ha Jin’s novels also overwhelms the academic community and elicits a lot of reviews even though all novels except Waiting are forbidden to publish due to political reasons. The current researcher believes that Ha Jin’s novels are surely to bring up another trend. The research on Ha Jin’s novels in Taiwan, however, is not enough to provide a complete picture. Based on this, the current researcher is thus motivated to write this dissertation. This dissertation intends to discuss the historical and social meanings and literary performance of Ha Jin’s novels, and is divided into eight chapters. Chapter 1 explains the motivation and scope of the research, former research results, the steps of the current research, and the allocation of the rest of the chapters. Chapter 2 provides a generalization and an analysis of Ha Jin’s generation background, personal life, and literary career. Chapter 3 analyzes Under the Red Flag and Waiting, which set the cultural revolution as the background of the novels. Chapter 4 analyzes The Bridegroom, In the Pond, and The Crazed, which set the reforming and opening period as the background of the novels. Chapter 5 analyzes Ocean of Words and War Trash, which adopt war as the materials of the novels. Chapter 6 analyzes A Free Life, which adopts immigration to the US as its materials. Chapter 7 generalizes the setting of the plot, the depiction of the characters, the description of the settings, and the literary performance of Ha Jin’s novels. Finally, chapter 8 provides a conclusion from two perspectives: styles and characteristics of Ha Jin’s novels, and their key elements to success.


Virginia Woolf著、瞿世鏡譯《論小說與小說家》,台北市:聯經,1990年。

