  • 學位論文


A case analysis of core competences of the electronic connectors industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 徐悌


以3C為主要市場的電子連接器產業在台灣電子資訊業發展中越來越具關鍵地位且呈現蓬勃發展的趨勢,本研究主要是以資源、能力與策略運用觀點及廠商在提供顧客核心價值、與競爭者產生差異性和進入新市場能力等觀點來探討找出台灣電子連接器產業之核心競爭力為何?有哪些變數可能會影響產業之核心競爭力?進行產業專家深度訪談後綜合不同意見與看法整理歸納出台灣電子連接器產業之核心競爭力為: 1.企業領導人特質:企業領導人為企業成功與否最重要關鍵,清楚 目標與願景領導將激勵員工為共同目標努力,領導人應積極營造溫暖與安全信任感覺的內部環境。 2.研發能力:好的研發產品可以讓客戶感受到核心價值,除適時研發推出市場所需各項產品外,更要技術突破以進入新市場並建立門檻。 3.彈性製造能力:客戶對於品質、成本、交期與彈性要求越來越重視,彈性製造能力必須使內部員工與外部顧客都能滿意為目標並藉以形成高價值製造中心。 4.顧客導向:企業應不斷提高顧客滿意為核心目標,企業應積極努力選擇好的客戶成為公司長期合作夥伴。 5.專利/智財權:建立關鍵技術門檻,使競爭者難以模仿進而阻止競爭者進入。 6.財務操作:務實的財務管理是企業投資擴展與取得供應商甚至是客戶支持重要的關鍵。 影響電子連接器產業之核心競爭力之變數有原材料供應、產業地理群聚、匯率穩定度、垂直整合、產品安全與法規要求、綠色環保產品要求、無線技術應用、新應用領域需求與顧客品質要求。


The 3C-based electronic connectors have steadily become the critical elements in the computing industry, especially in light of the recent flourish and the increasing importance of the information technology. The purposes of the present study were to assess the core competences of the electronic connectors in Taiwan from the perspectives of their resources, capabilities, strategic usage, and value-added products and services offered by many of those manufacturers as well as the product differentiation among various competitors and their ability to enter into new markets. As such, this research was designed to investigate the factors that might affect the core competences of the manufacturers. Based on in-depth interviews with top executives of a few manufacturers in Taiwan and the subsequent analyses, the key points of findings in the study may be summarized as follows: 1.Leader’s attributes & vision; 2.R & D capabilities; 3.Flexible manufacturing capabilities; 4.Customer-oriented services; 5.Patents & intellectual rights; 6.Sound financial management. The study also identified the following variables that had substantial influences on the core competences of the Taiwan’s electronic connectors industry. They included adequate supply of raw materials, stability and proper control of the foreign exchange, adoption of the vertical integration, laws and regulations concerning the product safety, the concept of green products, applications of the wireless technology, high quality control as required by customers, and the need for new applications.


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許美珠(2006)。中間產品經銷商規模對通路經營策略之影響 ---以電子連接器產業個案公司為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2006.01197
