  • 學位論文


A Study of Domain Responsive Dictionary on Chinese Sentiment Analysis

指導教授 : 戴敏育




Blooming Internet social media produces huge people opinions and comments. Hence, to analyze those text contents is necessary to have much more complicated with domain oriented sentiment wordings. However, categorizing specific-domain meanings of sentiment wordings and to help for building significant domain dictionary is important for rising accuracy rate of extraction and evaluation opinion units from text contents.   In this paper, we propose prototype system and the classification model to describe the text dependency with domain classification and the efficiency of opinion unit extraction form specific target domain.   To prove this domain responsive dictionary classified system prototype, the experiment results showed that the overall performance of our proposed system achieved 83.35% with accuracy of cross validation and 84.8% with accuracy of open laboratory test. Furthermore, this system validation is found on fetching correct positive opinion units rising to 24.2% as well as retrieving correct negative opinion unit increasing to 22.9% with domain responsive dictionary.


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