  • 學位論文


A Study of the Relationship between Employees' Psychological Contract and Organizational Performance Using Leadership Styles as the Moderator

指導教授 : 何俐安


金融保險業屬政府特許始得經營之產業,其從業人員須受主管機關嚴密監督與規範。於此特許屬性中,是否會影響金融保險業務從業人員組織績效表現?經營者應如何具效率提昇其組織績效?是領導、控制、永續發展首要思考的方向與最重要責任。本研究旨在瞭解金融保險業務從業人員心理契約現況與組織績效間之關聯性,並於金融保險業務從業人員心理契約與組織績效之間加入領導風格作為調節變項,以更進一步瞭解領導風格是否對金融保險業務從業人員心理契約與組織績效間之關係產生影響力。研究是以金融保險業務從業人員為研究對象(N=545),採「問卷調查法」量化方式進行資料之蒐集,回收問卷以敘述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、One-way ANOVA、Pearson correlation、multiple stepwise regression統計方式進行數據分析。研究獲得之結論有下列九點: 一、金融保險業務從業人員以交易型及關係型因素為心理契約的主要動機來源。 二、金融保險業務從業人員之心理契約對組織效能因素的預測力最高。 三、金融保險業務從業人員之心理契約以關係型因素對組織績效的預測效果最佳。 四、金融保險業務從業人員心理契約與組織績效之間確實會受到領導風格的影響。 五、金融保險業務從業人員之領導風格以轉換型因素的影響力最為顯著,調節效果最佳。 六、金融保險業務從業人員之組織績效以組織效能因素為首要關注目標。 七、不同個人背景變項中,「年齡」、「職務」、「婚姻狀況」及「教育程度」對心理契約部分因素具顯著的差異性。 八、不同個人背景變項中,「年資」、「職務」、「婚姻狀況」與「教育程度」對組織績效整體或部分因素具顯著的差異性。 九、不同個人背景變項中,「職務」和「教育程度」對領導風格部分因素具顯著的差異性。


The financial insurance sector is a charter service, in which all personnel are supposed to be supervised and regulated by the authorities. Will this attribute influence financial and insurance sector business workers’ organizational performance? The way the manager efficiently enhances the organizational performance would be the chief direction for consideration and the vital responsibility on leadership, control, and sustainable development. The purpose of this study aims to understand the correlation between the current situation of finance and insurance sector business workers’ psychological contract and organizational performance. By using leadership styles as the moderating variable, we attempt to further realize whether leadership styles affect the correlation between finance and insurance sector business workers’psychological contract and organizational performance. The objective of the study (N=545) focused on financial and insurance sector business workers. Quantitative data collection was used by questionnaire survey. According to the returned questionnaires, we used the analysis approaches of “descriptive-statistics,” “independent sample T-test,” “One-way ANOVA, “Pearson correlation,” and “multiple stepwise regression.” Nine findings of this study are concluded as follows: 1.Finance and insurance sector business workers’ primary motivation sources of psychological contract are transactional and affiliative factors. 2.Finance and insurance sector business workers’psychological contract proves the highest predictability of organizational effectiveness factors. 3.The affiliative factor of finance and insurance sector business workers’ psychological contract has the better predictability of organizational performance. 4.The leadership style do influence on the correlation between finance and insurance sector business workers’ psychological contract and organizational performance. 5.The transformational factor of finance and insurance sector business workers’ leadership style shows the significant influence and the best moderating effectiveness. 6.The organizational effectiveness factor of finance and insurance sector business workers’ organizational performance is the chief target of concern. 7.Among individual background variables, “age,” “job,” “marital status,” and “level of education” contain the apparent difference to the partial factors of psychological contract. 8.Among individual background variables, “seniority,” “job,” “marital status,” and “level of education” show the obvious difference to the whole or partial factors of organizational performance. 9.Among individual background variables, “job,” and “level of education” exist the significant difference to the partial factors of leadership styles.




