  • 學位論文


An Action Research of Integrating Cooperative Learning with Problem-based Learning Strategies into High School Health and Nursing Lessons- An Example of Sexuality Education

指導教授 : 何俐安


本研究為高中健康與護理教學的行動研究。研究者在過去教學經驗裡發現傳統教學以講述式為主,教學過程中學生被動學習缺乏參與,為知識接受者,很難提升學習的興趣與態度,偏重認知的教學方式與學生生活經驗脫節,無法將所學習的健康知識應用於實際多變且複雜的情境中。為培養廿一世紀公民的必備能力,本研究利用合作學習結合問題導向學習兩種不同的教學策略,對高中一年級學生實施教學的行動研究,嘗試在高中健康與護理科教學的「性教育」議題中探究運用合作學習結合問題導向學習於健康與護理科教學的實施歷程、瞭解合作學習結合問題導向學習之教學對學生學習的成果並透過行動研究過程的省思促進教師專業的成長。 研究對象為台北市某高中一年級某兩班學生,每班各43人,教學期間共六週、每週一節課(每節課五十分鐘),涵蓋「戀愛ing」、「不留遺憾的親密關係」兩個單元。本研究透過教室觀察、回饋單、訪談、學習單及其他文件蒐集進行研究。 研究結果顯示,學生對合作學習結合問題導向學習之教學的接受高。學生接受合作學習結合問題導向學習教學後,能提升學生的學習興趣,讓學生主動積極參與課程,對課程的參與也增加,呈現正向學習態度。透過討論促進同學間交流與互動,增加不同的觀點、提升對不同觀點的包容度、透過問題討論,增加對課程議題的理解、能促進學生思考與問題解決能力、增加自主學習與資料收集能力與增加溝通表達能力等,呈現多元的教學成效。由以上結果顯示,在健康與護理科進行以合作學習結合問題導向學習的教學策略的確可以提升學生的學習興趣與學習態度。


This research was an action research using cooperative learning and problem-based learning as its fundamental teaching strategies applied to sexuality unit of health and nursing lesson for the tenth graders in a urban senior high school. The purposes of this study were to develop and implement the lesson plans, as well as provide related suggestions for teaching in future practices. In addition, an action research process has enabled the researcher’s professional growth and reflection through actual practice. The participants of this study included two selected classes of tenth-grade students of a senior high school in Taipei. There were two teaching units designed for the duration of the study, namely “falling in love” and “regretless intimacy”. The research took six weeks to complete. The data collection methods included classroom observations, feedback surveys, interviews, students’ working sheets and document collection. The research found that that the students highly accepted the hybrid learning strategies which the problem-based and cooperative learning group achieved. They were interested in learning in a way that most of students took the initiatives to learn in classes. In addition, the curriculum increased student participations and positive attitudes toward the learning content. The study also discovered that the discussion activities in classes had aided communication and interaction between students. That is, different perspectives and the degree of understanding had been raised through this new instructional design. The integration of cooperative learning and problem-based learning strategies was found to increase students’ understanding towards course topics, promote students' independent thinking and problem-solving skills, and enhance self-study, data collection capabilities as well as communication skills. According to the findings, the suggestions are provided for teachers in the area of health and nursing as well as future researchers in related areas.


江憲坤、林志豪(1999)。群體合作學習機制在Web 教學環境上之探討。大葉學報,8(2),63-79。


