  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Nursing Care Market in Japan and Taiwan

指導教授 : 任耀庭


日台近年來由於高齡化的影響,老人照顧的需求日益增加,為了滿足現況兩國政府委託民間企業提供照護服務,但其在第一線服務的照顧服務員卻嚴重不足。為了解決人力不足的問題而引進外籍看護工,但同時對照顧服務員的薪資改善帶來了一定的衝擊。 因此本論文透過文獻分析法,首先探討日台照護市場結構、照護勞動市場的問題,然後論述照顧服務員的勞動條件,再分析外籍看護工的引進對照顧服務員的影響,最後提出如何改善台灣照顧服務員勞動條件、外籍看護工引進政策的建言。 其研究結果顯示,在照護市場上日本僅開放民間企業參與居家式服務,台灣則以非營利組織為主的形式提供服務造成服務量增加遲緩。再加上日台的照護服務價格為「公定價」的緣故,兩國的市場結構皆為不完全競爭市場。然而在服務價格公定化的情況下,企業為節省成本只能採取非正式雇用為主的雇用形式。另外由於照護服務的勞動生產力不易提升、社會觀感差等等的因素,使照護勞動力不易投入。 至於在外籍看護工引進政策上,日本都有非常嚴格的把關機制,並且為了避免外勞的引進影響本國勞工薪資,故而透過開發照顧機器人、運用ICT技術等等來提升本國勞工的勞動生產力。而台灣一味採取以「量」為主的方式,是因為對於一般家庭而言雇用本國勞工成本過高的關係。 在確保人力上日本採取了諸多政策,諸如對改善照顧服務員待遇的雇主提供補助金等等,而台灣只停留在補助勞健保、交通費上。所以本研究建議台灣必須要把照護服務價格的制定基準透明化、並且透過運用ICT等等提高勞動生產力改善照顧服務員的薪資,另外在外籍看護工引進政策上必須設立嚴格的把關機制。


In recent year, influence of aging population society between of Taiwan and Japan, nursing care for aging people will grow up. With nursing care supply a demand, the official government between Taiwan and Japan was put nursing care into private business person's hand, but facing the manpower shortage’s problem. Government will solve the problem, having no choice to receive foreign caretaker to Taiwan and Japan, but that will impacting improvement of nursing caretaker’s salary conditions. Therefore, this article was used to documentary analysis to analyze nursing care market structure between Taiwan and Japan, nursing care labor market problem, caretaker labor conditions, receive foreign caretaker’s influence to national caretaker. Finally, making suggestions about how to improve Taiwanese caretaker labor conditions, and making advices about foreign caretaker’s acceptance. The research result shows in nursing care market, Japan was limited private enterprise take part in noninstitutional care services, Taiwan was offered by NPO’s form so that rate of increase is slowly.Besides, because nursing care price is official in Taiwan and Japan, so imperfect market will raise. But under the immobilized price, company are hire temporary work for reduce the cost. In addition, owing to nursing care service and social impressions was not better, nursing care labor’s investment was difficult. About receive foreign caretaker policy, Japan was avoided impacting domestic labor salary by strict condition setting, through nursing care robot development and ICT techique’s application to arise labor productivity. On the other hand, Taiwan was paid at foreign caretaker “quantity” , the reason is domestic labor’s high hirement cost for normal family. About worker reservation, Japan government was various policy. For instance, offering subsidy to employer, who was improved nursing care’s treatment. On the other hand, Taiwan government was limited to subsidize health insurance or transit subsidy. Thus, Taiwan have to rarefactiong standard of nursing care compensation, improving caretaker’s wage, and raising labor productivity by application of ICT. Furthermore, Taiwan government will ought to set strict condition to foreign caretaker acceptance.


2.陳正芬、王正(2007) 「台北市居家服務方案論時計酬適切性之研究」、『台灣社會福利學刊』第6巻第1期、pp. 93-129。
14.行政院勞工委員会職業訓練局(2013) 「102年外籍勞工管理及運用調查」http://statdb.mol.gov.tw/html/svy02/0241menu.htm。
15.行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局(2013) 「外籍家庭看護工訓練與管理」http://www.mohw.gov.tw/MOHW_Upload/doc/14_%E8%AD%B0%E9%A1%8C%E5%9B%9B_1010808%E5%A4%96%E7%B1%8D%E5%AE%B6%E5%BA%AD%E7%9C%8B%E8%AD%B7%E5%B7%A5%E8%A8%93%E7%B7%B4%E8%88%87%E7%AE%A1%E7%90%86_0001758004.pdf。
