  • 學位論文


A Study of the Compile and Inspect Process of History Textbook for Senior High School:Viewpoints of Political Ideology

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


在過去統編本時代,教科書一向被批評為政黨用來傳遞政治理念、影響國人政黨傾向、形塑國人民族精神,與愛國情操的工具。為使教育免受政治力干擾,遂於1999年採行教科書開放政策,期能藉此避免教育受政治影響,俾利教育回歸純粹的教學,以提升教科書品質與學生素質。然而,教科書開放政策實施後,政治仍無所不在,九五課程綱要的制定問題叢生,整個教科書編審過程似乎仍受執政者政治意識形態影響,未能符合預期的目標。據此,本研究將以政治意識形態的觀點來探討高中歷史教科書之編審過程。 本研究主要分為六章:第一章為緒論,包括研究背景與動機、研究目的與問題、研究途徑與方法、研究範圍與限制、名詞概念界定,以及研究流程與架構;第二章為文獻探討,主要探討政治意識形態的意義與功能;第三章則說明高中歷史教科書之爭議,包括教科書開放政策背景與目的、教科書編審制度型態、我國高中教科書審查制度沿革、高中課程標準之修訂過程,以及95年高中歷史課程暫行綱要爭議;第四章為研究設計,詳述訪談方法與對象、訪談大綱、訪談時間與地點,以及逐字稿編碼方式之說明;第五章為訪談分析與討論,將訪談結果逐一歸納,並深入分析、探討;第六章則為結論,依據文獻探討與深入訪談之研究發現,提出具可行性之建議,期能藉此降低執政者政治意識形態對高中歷史教科書編審過程之影響,並提升教科書之品質。


In the past times of the EC, political parties have been criticized for using textbooks to convey political ideas, and using them as a tool to affect people, tending to shape national spirit and patriotism. In order to let the education system free from political interference force, we adopted the textbook open-door policy in the 1999; this period education could avoid political influence, so that the reunification education can purely benefit teaching to enhance the quality of textbooks and student’s quality. But after practicing opening up policy, political influence were still omnipresent, there were many problems about the 1995 syllabus formulation, the whole textbook pipeline process seemed to still ruler ideology by political influence, which did not meet the desired objectives. Accordingly, this study will be political and ideological viewpoints to analyze the high school history textbook editorial process. The study is divided into six chapters: Chapter one is introduction, including the background and motivation, research purposes and problems, concerning ways and means, the scope and limits of the study, to define the concept of the term, and the study process and framework for the Chapter two. Focusing on political and ideological significance and function, Chapter three is about the history textbooks of controversial high school, including textbooks open-door policy background and purpose of textbooks pipeline system pattern censorship of high school textbook history, the high school curriculum standards revision process, and 95 years of high school history curriculum outline of the interim controversial chapter four for the study design, methods and targets of detailed interviews, interviews outline of the interview time and place, and the verbatim text encoding; Chapter five analyze the result of interview, summing up the results one by one; Chapter six is the conclusions, based on literature review and interviews with the in-depth study found that raised the possibility of a proposal to have this period of political ideology of those in power to reduce high school history textbook process pipeline., and promote the impact and improvement of the quality of textbooks.


