  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationship among Consumer Perception, Attitude, and Price Consciousness toward Nonprofit Organization

指導教授 : 陳定國


由於社會對非營利組織的需求速度超過社會資源供應成長的速度,非營利界開始步入一個頗具規模的競爭性市場,再加上近年來的經濟不景氣,政府、企業捐助減少,非營利組織又日漸增多,社會資源供需缺口日漸擴大。學者調查發現非營利組織之財源超過一半來自於「代辦費」和「其他商業性收入」,然而過去對非營利組織的研究,幾乎都著重在「捐獻」和「經營領導」方面,少有對於「付費服務」的研究。 若要顧客拿錢出來購買社會服務,就要先了解、研究顧客需求,因此本研究以中華企業研究院基金會為標的,利用驗證性因素分析(CFA)、結構方程模組(SEM)、平均數比較和變異數分析(ANOVA),從顧客消費行為與心理層面,來探討非營利組織的「顧客」對「收費服務」之看法,進而提出對非營利組織(NPO)、營利組織(PO)和政府(Government)的建議,並期望各界對非營利組織之顧客行為有更深入的了解,幫助非營利組織能更有效達成使命。 本研究擬定的觀念架構包含:個人對「幫助他人」的「一般知覺」、「一般態度」、個人對非營利組織的「特定知覺」、「特定態度」、「價格意識」。個人的「一般知覺」、「一般態度」和個人對非營利組織的「特定知覺」、「特定態度」分別對「價格意識」都會產生負面影響。 量表驗證亦發現,在「幫助他人」上,「家庭教育」的影響消失,「個人個性」和「學校教育」比「社會風氣」和「同儕朋友」,占有較重要的角色。樣本對「同儕朋友幫助自己與否」的知覺,和對「個人個性及社會風氣是否幫助他人」的知覺,有高度正相關。另外,對該非營利組織的「顧客」而言,則缺乏對「競爭」的概念。而對非營利組織的「信賴」,來自「品質」與對該組織的「認同」。對「服務品質」的態度認定也高度影響對該組織的「認同」。 最後,根據「背景變數」的研究,發現參與該非營利組織的「活動次數」越多、「接觸時間」越長,對該非營利組織越「了解」後,會有越正面的「認知」,也比較沒有「價格比較」行為。


The NPO (Non-Profit Organizations) industry is becoming more and more competitive due to greater demand than supply. Recently, the economic recession substantially reduced donations from government and business, resulting in a growing gap between resource demand and supply. According to a recent research, over 50% of the income of NPO comes from the service charges. However, in the past, the majority of NPO research focuses on the leadership and donation instead of payment services. Therefore, this research concentrates on NPO payment service, and takes Chinese Academy of Business as our target sample, and uses Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), Comparing Average and ANOVA to understand the thinking of NPO customers toward payment services in respect to consumer behavior and psychology. The purpose of this research is to help industry, government, and academia understand NPO customer behavior by providing useful suggestions to help NPOs fulfill their visions more efficiently and effectively. First, this research determines our main conceptual model, concluding that: perception toward helping others (PHO), the attitude toward helping others (AHO), perception toward NPO (PNPO), the attitude toward NPO (ANPO), price consciousness on NPO (PCNPO). It shows that PHO and AHO, PNPO and ANPO negatively affect PCNPO. Secondly, this research tests the scale and finds that the effect of family education disappears in terms of helping others. Personality and school education are more important than the social atmosphere and peer influences. The perception toward receiving help from classmates and friends highly and positively correlates to the perception toward helping others driven by personality and social atmosphere. The concepts of competition toward the NPO’s customers are very few. The confidence of the NPO comes from the quality and the identification toward that NPO. Also, the attitude to the service quality highly affects the identification toward the NPO. Finally, this research studies background variables and finds that customers show more positive cognition and less price consciousness if they kwow the NPO better and attend more NPO activities.


阿姆斯壯(Gary Armstrong)、科特勒(Philip Kotler)(2005)。行銷學(7版)(張逸民譯)。台北市:華泰。(原著出版年:2005年)


