  • 學位論文


A study on the use of communication strategy in the face of power-A case study and design proposal on Tamsui campus of Tamkang University

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的在於發展設計專業者面對權力結構的操作策略,用以幫助設計專業者察覺設計過程的決策情境中,所可能產生的權力介入甚或影響決策的結果。並輔助參與決策情境中的設計專業者,如何依其規劃目標進行改變此權力結構可運用的設計溝通策略。   由於「權力」(Power)普遍性地存在於社會關係中,凡涉及組織的活動就會產生權力的作用,因此權力在本研究的定義為:「組織的決策制訂過程中,所發生支配或影響規劃行動的力量」。當一組織中的成員所掌握的決策權力呈現分配的狀態時,即形成所謂的「權力結構」(Power Structure)。   本研究的具體目標為發展出兩項設計方法:   一、掌握決策情境下的權力結構:   本研究是以一個權力結構下的校園規劃事件-「淡江大學校門口廣場暨警衛亭規劃設計案」作為觀察權力的研究對象,利用「交流分析」(Transactional Analysis)對此事件決策情境下的人際溝通行為進行系統性的分析,進而歸納出五種權力結構下的溝通決策模式。   二、改變權力結構的設計操作機制:   透過了解權力結構與形成原因,進而透過研究對象的觀察以及相關組織政治行為與「權術」(politicking)的理論,發展出設計專業者可改變權力結構的四種溝通策略。其內容包括:   兩種設計專業者可運用的個人行動策略:     1)、以事實為基礎擴大需求。     2)、運用專業知識進行直接對抗。   以及,兩種設計專業者可運用的組織行動策略:     1)、取得有效的決策權。     2)、擴張權力網絡。   藉由兩項設計方法的提出,選擇一起類似的校園規劃衝突模擬事件進行設計方法的測試演練,最終以操作結果回應面對權力結構的規劃行動,只有不斷察覺權力作用如何介入決策情境中,才能有效地選擇改變權力關係所運用的策略。而設計專業者行動的企圖並非為消除權力關係而積極進行抗爭,其角色能力在於透過選擇不同的溝通策略運用,來尋找決策過程中理性共識的決策結果。


This research aims to develop the operation strategy for design professionals to deal with power structure and enable them to be aware of the possible interventions and even influences of power to the decision-making context in the designing process. The objective is also set to assist design professionals who are involved in the decision-making context to find out the proper communication strategy that can change the power structure so as to achieve the planned goals.   “Power” generally exists in social relationships. As long as an organization is involved in an activity, the effect of power emerges. Therefore, this research gives a definition to power as “the force which dominates or influences the planning activity in the decision-making process of an organization”. Once the decision-making power which is held by the members of an organization appears to be in a distributed status, the so-called “power structure” will be formed.   In view of this, the specific objective of this research is to develop two designing methods:   1. Take over the control of power structure under decision-making context    The campus plan “The design project of the entrance plaza and security stand of Tamkang University” which is carried out by a power structure is the subject of this research to observe the force of power. Transactional analysis is used as well to systematically analyze the interpersonal communication behaviors under the decision-making context of the project and further concludes five communication decision-making patterns under the power structure.   2. Use the operation mechanism of design to change power structure   This method aims to develop four communication strategies that can change the power structure by understanding the power structure and its causes, observing the research subject, and consulting related theories of political behaviors in organization and politicking. The strategies include:   Two personal action strategies for design professionals    (1) Expanding demands on the basis of facts    (2) Using domain knowledge for direct confrontation   and two organizational action strategies for professional designers    (1) Gaining control over the effective decision-making power    (2) Expanding the power network.   Through proposing these two design methods, the simulated conflict of a similar campus design plan is chosen to test the design methods, and finally the results are utilized to respond the planning action under the power structure. The results show that only constant observation on how the effect of power intervenes in the decision-making context can help to effectively choose the right strategy to change the power relationships. Besides, the attempt of design professional’s action should be to seek a resolution under a rational common consensus in the decision-making process by applying different communication strategies, rather than just actively confront power and eliminate it.


Argyle, Michael
Daft, Richard L.
Forester, John
Harris, Thomas Anthony
Steers, Richard M.
