  • 學位論文


Study of Americans' Difficulty in Learning English-Chinese Interpretation—From a Cross-Lingual Perspective

指導教授 : 郭岱宗


本論文的目的在於探討美國人學習英翻中口譯之困難處。本研究以母語為英語的美國人士為研究對象,共計五十六名受測者,年齡介於十九歲和五十二歲之間,平均二十六歲,皆可分類為中文為第二語言(Chinese as a Second Language)之學習者。本論文之研究對象的原生家庭並非雙語家庭,而研究對象之中文學習經驗只限定於課堂之內,因此,本論文受測者之中文學習經驗並非自然習得。本研究的結果摘要如下: 即便是在台灣或是中文為主要溝通語言的國家裏待過一段不算短的時間,甚至是可以說流利的中文,以英文為母語的美國人士還不足以稱為合格的口譯員。就口譯方面而言,所或缺的包括,第一,有如百科全書般的知識和單字,上知天文,下知地理。這是培養口譯員的基本功夫。第二,是不受母語影響的特質(language autonomy)。合格的口譯員需跨越界於母語以及外語之間的語言距離(language distance),而即使是在目標語言國家(target language country)學習,這道語言距離並不容易超越。然而,目標語言(target language)的文法、句構及語意有利於避免因過度使用改述(paraphrase)而產生的口譯累贅。第三,是目標語言之文化(target culture)不能與目標語言分離。多是的口譯學習者與學習了目標語言,卻不熟悉標語言之文化。


This study is aimed at finding out Americans’ difficulties in learning English-Chinese interpretation. The subjects of the study are 56 American English native speakers, aged from 19 to 52 years old, with a mean in 26 years in age. All of the subjects could be classified as learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), in that their experience of learning Chinese had been limited to mostly educational settings, and none of them came from bilingual families. Therefore, their Chinese acquisition could not be termed naturalistic. The research findings are as follows: The immersed CFL learners, who have spend quite a long time in Taiwan or Chinese-speaking countries, are not qualified interpreters although they can speak fluent Chinese. In regards to interpretation, what they lack is the following competence. Firstly, encyclopedic vocabulary and knowledge (from A to Z) are the most fundamental foundation in order to build up the interpretation competence. The second is the language autonomy. Qualified interpreters have to overcome the language distance between source and target languages in order to achieve language autonomy, which cannot be reached merely by immersed courses in target language countries. The grammatical, syntactical and semantic knowledge of target language should be obtained to get rid interpretation redundancy caused by the overuse of paraphrase and, most of all, caused by collocational deficit. The third is the target-language culture, which cannot be separated from the target language itself. Most of the interpretation students remain in the early phase, in which the new culture is almost totally inaccessible, causing various cultural shocks.


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