  • 學位論文


The effect of Country of Brand and Country of Manufacture on International Consumers: Ethnocentrism and user experiences as moderators

指導教授 : 曾忠蕙




The purpose of this study is to examine the factors that affect perceived quality and purchase intention of watch product on international people. The factors include of country of manufacture, country of brand that moderated by ethnocentrism and user experience toward perceived quality and purchase intention. It is also to examine the influence of country conflict towards perceived quality and purchase intention. The information and data of this study was collecting by spreading out the questionnaire in person and through Skype call. Total of 300 questionnaires were retrieved in person, which the respondents are international people of various nationalities around the world. The study is first found that countries of origin both manufacture and brand has positive affect toward perceived quality and purchase intention. Second, countries of origin both manufacture and brand that moderated by ethnocentrism and user experiences do not have any effect on perceived quality and purchase intention. Finally, country conflict, which is the new variable is this study, has an affect toward perceived quality and purchase intention. Therefore, the manufacturing and brand country companies should concentrate on building a positive and strong image of their products in the consumer’s mind so that it would increase the percentage of purchase intention.


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