  • 學位論文


EOQ models with defective items and imperfect inspection under delay in payments

指導教授 : 歐陽良裕


在企業競爭日趨激烈的情況下,做好存貨管理對企業來說是重要的。本論文主要研究在製造商提供信用交易下,零售商進貨貨品中含有不良品,且檢驗時發生型Ⅰ錯誤與型Ⅱ錯誤之零售商經濟訂購量模型。首先,第一章為緒論,介紹研究動機與目的、文獻探討與研究架構。第二章探討製造商提供二選一延遲付款信用交易策略,即若零售商選擇提前付清貨款,則可獲得價格折扣的優惠;否則,必須在稍後一段期間內付清貨款。第三章則討論當零售商的訂購量達到製造商願意提供延遲付款所要求的最低訂購量時,則可獲得一段延遲付款期間;否則,零售商需於收到貨品並經檢驗完成後立即支付被視為良品的貨款給製造商。對於第二、三章所建立的經濟訂購量模型,個別發展出演算法以利求解,並舉出數值範例說明模型求解過程。最後,第四章說明本論文研究結果與未來研究方向。 由數值範例結果可知,零售商進貨貨品的品質與進行檢驗時的檢驗品質皆會影響到零售商的全年總利潤,故零售商應提升自身的產品檢驗品質,降低檢驗錯誤發生的比例,將有助於總利潤的增加。另一方面,當製造商願意提供信用交易條件時,零售商只要選擇適當的付款時點與訂購策略,則對於提高本身的利潤亦是有幫助的。


Nowadays, in a competitive market, inventory management is an important issue for companies. In this study, we develop two economic order quantity models with defective items, and assume that the inspection results to contain TypeⅠand TypeⅡerrors. There are four chapters in this thesis. Chapter one introduces the motivation, purpose, literature review and framework of this study. The second chapter focuses on the manufacturer’s two-part trade credit strategy. That is, the retailer receives cash discount if he/she pays in the first period of time;Otherwise, the full deferrable payment in the second period of time. In third chapter, we consider that the credit trade linked to order quantity. That is, the manufacturer will provide a permissible delay of payments to the retailer if retailer’s order quantity is greater than or equal to order quantity required; Otherwise, the retailer have to pay the manufacturer immediately once he/she receives the items. We further provide algorithms to obtain the optimal solutions and the numerical examples to illustrate the solution procedure. The numerical examples results indicate that the quality of items and inspection affects retailer’s annual total profit. The retailer should improve inspection quality to reduce inspection error in order to increase annual total profit. Finally, this study proposes the findings and future research suggestions.


EOQ Trade credit Defective items Inspection errors


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