  • 學位論文


A Study of Railway Landscape and Cultural Engineering in Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究的目的在於發展空間專業者在面對地方文化營造中的操作策略,以文化工程之概念幫助設計者在界定的過程中,涉及以多元議題間抗衡同一事件時,能察覺所可能產生的強勢議題介入甚或影響不同決策的結果。並輔助參與決策情境中的空間專業者,在強勢的議題的介入下,依其規劃目標進行抉擇,與發展多元議題彼此間之關係。 本研究具體目標為發展出地方設計原則: 一、交通與文化議題架構的發展思惟:   在近年來台灣地區經濟建設、地方文化的發展,鼓吹地方文化的保存同時,經濟、交通卻又是刻不容緩的持續發展,在資本市場的交換價值下放棄了部份使用價值、文化及空間的意義,其所產生的價值原則深刻的對應在地方文化、地方歷史上,重大建設所帶來的影響遍及各個層面,從交通與文化的發展思惟切入,嘗試了解多重議題間所構成架構。   然而基於身為空間專業的反省,本研究以車站地區周邊為主題,探討東部縱谷地區與專業相關決策,係從社會價值與認知模式之落差的解析來了解,如何在經濟、交通的現代化發展的浪潮下,包含傳統與現代的衝突、保存與發展的壓力中,解析出完整的發展架構,提供地方文化思索與發展的價值。 二、地方文化發展重構的思考方法:   透過了解地方文化的結構與構成原因,進而透過研究對象的觀察以及相關政治行為與文化發展的理論,發展出設計專業者可改變的價值結構的溝通策略。地方與文化對應關係的探討。所謂文化工程的規劃重點並非在解決問題的結果,其所重視的是決策者、中介者(媒體)、大眾、創作者的角力過程,在過程中變化發展出的產物、文化、活動;探討貨觀察當地的文化活動、並非只是外在形體表現的表象。本研究試圖形塑、想像如何去鋪陳地方空間的內涵、質感與層次,將文化內化於地方之中,並進而發展可反映居民日常生活所認知的區域環境,並嘗試提出地方文化發展的模式。 三、掌握地方文化發展的結構:   本研究針對多重議題結構下的地方規劃-以「花東縱谷鐵路地景及文化工程」為操作題材,解析設計者在面對多元議題時的價值觀與文化結構,在此特定的時空背景下,作為發展的依據;透過本身與他者對在地的觀點視為正文(Text)的再現,表達自身經驗論述之協商過程,讓設計者在做規劃或設計的決策思考時,在認知價值系統的詮釋過程中,面對複雜的多元價值,以文化工程的概念具體化結構,本研究試圖呈現這些多元議題的發展,以幫助設計者更清晰的詮釋。   因此如何將花東縱谷地方的環境及經驗,藉由文化工程的思考加以結構化,分析轉化成多元認知模型,並呈現花東縱谷地區自主性與外部性的價值衝突結構;再歸納出設計規範群組的價值關聯來對應現有地方之實質涵構,提出實質議題的策略參考,乃本研究的重要核心課題。   藉由設計原則的提出,針對花東縱谷的發展方向做為本研究的設計操作對象,以目前的實質涵構條件及花東縱谷鐵路地景、社區營造間的關係來探討,藉由設計原則的提出,選擇花東縱谷地方鐵路沿線,進行設計原則的回應,面對地方文化工程結構的規劃行動,不斷的察覺自主性與外部性的作用了解決策情境,進而提出有效改變文化結構關係所運用的策略。而設計專業者行動的企圖並非為創造新的文化結構關係而積極進行抗爭,其角色能力在藉由了解發展過程,進而提出有效之結構策略。


The research aims to develop the operation strategy for space professionals to deal with local cutural building and enable them to be aware of the strong issue involved in multiple issues even influences the different results in the design process.The objective is also set to assist space proffesionals who are involved in the decision-making context to find out how to choose by its planning purposes and develop the relationship of multiple issuesin strong issue involved situation.   In view of this,the specific objective of this research is to develop the three local design principals: 1.The develop thinkings in context of traffic and cultural issues:   The develops of economical construction,local culture and the local culture preservatins in Taiwan this years,at the same time the economics and the traffic constructions still continuing develop. Capital markets’ exchange values gives up some parts of use value,meanings of culture and spaces,and the values principles corresponding local culture,local history.The major constructon influence the every layers,the research try to develop in traffic and culture develop thinkings,and understand the context of multiple issues.   Though reflecting as a space professional,the research takes the community area of train staions as topic to find out the eastern rift valley area and relating professional decisions.   Analyzing the social values and knowing patterns to find out how to resolve the complete develop patterns including the conflicts of traditional and modern,the pressure of preservations and develops,in order to provide thinking of local culture and values of develop. 2.The thinking methods of local culture reconstructions:   Through understand the strcture and factors of local culture,and observing the subject and theory of relating political behaviors,cultural develops to develop for design professionals’ communicate strategy to change value structure.Corresponding relationships of local and culture.So called the planning points of cultural engineering are not the result to solve the problems,which focus on the process of the politicians,the intermediary(the media),the masses,the creators,and the result,the culture,the activities in changing of proces;finding out or observing the local cultural activities not just the presentation of out shape .The research try to shape,image how to develop the local space intesion,texture and layers,to put the cultures into the locals,and further to develop the area environment which can reflecting residents’ daily life,also try to find out the patterns of local culture develop. 3.To hold the structure of local develops:   The research aims to local plannings under multiple issues structures,which takes “Railway Landscape and Cultural Engineering in Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley”as operation objects,to analyze the value and cultural strcture when designers face the multiple issues in specific background.Through taking itself and others’ points of views of locations as represantation of text to present the negotiate process of itself experience,so when the designers making the decision thingkings of plannings or designings,enable to face the complex multiple values in interpretation process of knowing value systems,by constructuring the idea of cultural engineering.The research try to show the develop of these mutiple issues to assist designers interpret more clearly.   Though how to construct the environment and experience in Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley by cultural egineering ideas,and traform it into a multiple knowing model,in order to present Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley area inner and outer conflict value strcture;the major topics of the research is generalizing design pattern value’s relationship to correspond local’s context and bring up the essential issues’ strategy consultation.   By bringing up the design principles,taking Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley as design operation subjects,and discusses the present condition of substantial structure and the relationship of railway landscape between community building in Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley.And choosing the railway in Hualien-Taitung Rift Valley to process the respond of design principles.When face the planning activities of local cultural engineering strcture,continuing being aware of the inner and outer effect to understanding decision-making context,and farther bringing up the effectively strategy to change cultural structure relationship.Besides, the attempt of design professional’s action should be to seek a resolution under a rational common consensus in the decision-making process by applying different communication strategies, rather than just actively confront and eliminate it.


Claude Mollard<著> 梁蓉<譯>
Tim Cresswell<著> 王志弘、徐佳玲<譯>
Johnston, R.J.<著> 蔡運龍、江濤<譯>
Raymond Williams<著> 劉建基<譯>
2003 <關鍵詞:文化與社會的詞彙 Keywords : a vocabulary of culture and society>,台北市:巨流


