  • 學位論文

低成本航空參與聯盟合作之因素特性與影響: 探索性分析與差異中之差異分析

The Impacts and Determining Features of Alliance Agreements by Low-Cost Airlines: Exploratory Analysis and Difference-in-Difference Analysis

指導教授 : 溫裕弘


因應航空市場環境競爭激烈、燃油價格不斷攀升以及支持頻繁點對點之機場對數量有限,加上部分全服務航空也採取低價策略,因此低成本航空公司試圖嘗試參與策略聯盟。目前雖有許多文獻在探討航空聯盟議題,但大多以全服務航空公司為研究對象,針對低成本航空參與策略聯盟之研究尚少,且對於低成本航空參與聯盟究係是否具正面效益抑或與純粹低成本航空經營模式之核心精神相悖離尚有爭議。 本研究考慮低成本航空公司所有權與起源、市場特徵、混合型服務特性與機隊特性為解釋變數,以參與各類型聯盟合作協定為應變數,進行探索性因素分析。分別針對低成本航空參與聯運協定、共用班號協定以及同時參與聯運與共用班號協定建構Probit迴歸模式,推論各類型低成本航空參與聯盟合作之適合條件。此外,本研究應用「差異中之差異分析(DiD)」,進一步探討低成本航空參與共用班號合作協定對於其總營收與年運量是否具差異與影響,以作為低成本航空聯盟決策參考。 Probit迴歸模式結果顯示是否為單一艙等與航網結構是否為點對點型態均影響航空公司參與聯運協定、共用班號協定以及同時參與聯運與共用班號協定,非單一艙等或非點對點航網型態之低成本航空業者越容易參與策略聯盟合作。低成本航空業者為仿西南航空類型,則較少參與共用班號合作或較少同時參與聯運與共用班號合作。年運量越大的低成本航空業者,則更可能參與聯運合作或共用班號合作。低成本航空業者簽訂雙邊共用班號協議,則可能同時參與聯運合作與共用班號合作。再者,透過DiD模式分析低成本航空參與共用班號協定對航空公司總營收與年運量之影響,結果發現參與共用班號合作的低成本航空可增加其總營收,而航空公司增加之營收來自於參與共用班號合作後運量之增長。


Low-cost carriers (LCCs) have played an increasingly important role of the global air transportation industry. One current trend is that while international alliances among major airlines continue, some low-cost airlines have formed and some are now preparing for low-cost airline alliances. However, few researches have examined alliance practices by LCCs. This study presents an exploratory analysis related to the involvement of LCCs in alliance agreements. The characteristics of partnerships involving LCCs are discussed, and the determining features with regards to the alliance propensity of LCCs are identified. In addition, this study applies a difference-in-difference analysis on the revenue and traffic of codeshared LCCs and non-codeshared LCCs, across the pre- and post-alliance periods. The results of the probit model verified that alliance agreements are more likely to involve LCCs without single cabin nor point-to-point network structure. Southwest copycats are less likely to codeshare or and interline at the same time. Large size carriers are more likely to codeshare or interline. Moreover, in the DiD analysis, codesharing agreements did not improve the revenue of codeshared LCCs in the post-alliance period. The results of DiD analysis also found that codesharing agreements improve the revenue of codeshared airlines, due to passenger flow increase from the agreements. It is envisaged that the results of this study may shed light on low-cost airline alliance strategies and airline industry.


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