  • 學位論文


Suicide reporting violating the recommendations on front page of the main newspapers in Taiwan between 2001 and 2010

指導教授 : 江宜珍


研究動機:研究顯示,媒體報導可能導致民眾接受錯誤的觀念與訊息,進而影響民眾本身的行為。其中最受到爭議與探討的是媒體對於自殺事件的報導,因許多研究已發現,媒體對於自殺事件的報導可能導致自殺率的上升或自殺行為的模仿效應。研究目的:(1)探討台灣主要四報於頭版報導自殺事件的呈現方式。(2)探討台灣主要四報頭版報導自殺事件違反「六不六要」之趨勢。(3)探討重要事件或政策對於報紙頭版報導自殺事件的影響。研究方法:本研究選取2001年~2010年國內閱報率較高之四大報(中國時報、自由時報、蘋果日報以及聯合報)的報紙頭版報導之自殺事件,進行內容分析,並使用卡方檢定、卡方趨勢檢定、變異數分析等方法分析違反報導準則之趨勢及可能原因。研究結果:(1)台灣主要四報報導自殺事件時多以「頭條」及「大版面」方式呈現,亦搭配許多與自殺事件相關之圖片;(2) 台灣主要四報報導自殺事件時多違反WHO所規範的「六不六要」準則;(3)蘋果日報開始進入台灣市場後,改變了其他三報對於自殺事件之報導方式;(4)全國自殺防治中心對自殺事件報導之監控僅具部分成效。結論:台灣主要四報報導自殺事件之方式仍有待改善,有效規範我國報紙對自殺事件之報導,以減低對閱聽人之影響,是未來一重大工作。


報紙 自殺 頭版 頭條 內容分析


Background:Many researches discuss that misleading reports from media can bring wrong view to people and change their acts. The most controversial issue we are unable to ignore is how media report suicide news. A lot of foreign researches that reporting on suicide could raicing suicide rate or copycat effects. Research Purpose:(1)Discussing reporting styles about suicide events of four main newspaper offices in Taiwan.(2)Focusing on four main newspaper offices in Taiwan, discussing trend they violate responsible reporting of the WHO.(3)Discussing how important news or events affect suicide reporting. Method:We choose four popular domestic newspaper offices in 2001-2010: China Times, Liberty Times, Apple Daily News and United Daily News. We use content analysis including chi-square test, chi-square trend analysis and ANOVA to find possible causes and relevant changing process. Results:(1)Four main newspaper offices in Taiwan often put front pages of suicide news and relevant pictures.(2)Four main newspaper offices in Taiwan often violate responsible reporting of the WHO.(3)How Apple Daily News report toward suicide events affects other three media.(4)Taiwan National Center for Suicide Prevention effectiveness monitoring is only part of the coverage of suicides. Conclusions:Four main newspaper offices in Taiwan must improve how they report in suicide news. In order to bring good quality of news-reading to people, our government must make appropriate reporting regulations about suicide issues.


newspaper suicide handline front page content analysis


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