  • 學位論文


A Study of The Polymer Degradation by FTIR

指導教授 : 廖義田


火場殘跡促燃劑之分析現使用氣相層析質譜法(GC/MS)之技術,配合標的化合物法,以判定火災現場殘跡中是否含有促燃劑,此法雖已可大大降低基質干擾之問題,但火場中之石化系塑膠製品在經高溫燃燒裂解產生之氣體及大量烷類、芳香族類化合物,而這些產物即有可能會對火場殘跡證物鑑定造成干擾。 國內外文獻多對於日常生活中常使用之泛用塑膠進行燃燒裂解產物研究,對於工程塑膠部分研究甚少,本研究將針對工程塑膠中較為泛用之聚丁烯對苯二甲酸酯(PBT)及尼龍6(PA6)原料進行燃燒、裂解,探討其在不同受熱及燃燒程度下,其燃燒產物對於火場殘跡鑑定之干擾影響。實驗結果發現PBT及PA6之原料,在未燃燒、不同溫度燃燒及高溫熱裂解後,使用氣相層析質譜(GC/MS)分析所得結果均會產生芳香族碳氫化合物成份,易造成火場殘跡中促燃劑判定之干擾。 另藉由紅外線光譜儀(FT-IR)了解PBT及PA6原料燃燒前後分子結構之變化,且加以驗證鑑析結果之準確性。


火場殘跡 促燃劑 GC/MS FT-IR PBT PA6


Nowadays, gas chromatography mass is used to analyze of the accelerants in the fire debris, it is compared with the standard sample to examine whether the accelerants exist or not. Despite this approach can diminish the influence of interference from the substrate, the petroleum-based plastic products in the fire scene could produce a great deal of flammability gas and other products, which may cause interference with evidences of the fire debris. In this study , the degradation behaviors of PBT ans PA6 were investigated to understand the behavior of the combustion and pyrolysis of the two materials .The experimental results show that not only the PBT and PA6 but also the products made from PBT and PA6 produce aromatic compounds .Those aromatic compounpd may affect the judgment of the accelerants in the fire debris. On the often hand , FT-IR is used to elucidate the combustion behavior of the polymer.


fire debris accelerant GC/MS FT-IR PBT PA6


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