  • 學位論文


The Research Based on Hou-sha Settlement for Applying the Planning Permission on Land-use Management of the Traditional Settlement

指導教授 : 彭光輝


金門在歷經千餘年之歷史演變及發展,至今島上已自然形成一百六十餘處之傳統聚落,在金門之聚落已深藏一定之法則與模式,傳統建築物均依循宗法倫理與空間營造法則營建,為目前台灣、金門及廈門三地僅存之特殊景觀,確有其保存維護的必要。民國八十五年金門全面實施都市計畫,當時對於傳統聚落之定位不明,且在現況調查不完全之情形下,致使自然村專用區範圍產生不當,而在自然村專用區之土地使用管理機制運用「開發許可制」,採同一審查標準,造成傳統聚落範圍內興建新式建築導致影響聚落風貌,聚落外圍土地因地籍問題,引發不當開發,並對於傳統聚落風貌產生干擾,本研究目的即為自然村專用區土地使用管理提出一套可行之模式。 本研究以資料蒐集開發許可、傳統聚落、政府干預及公共利益等相關理論及英國、台灣之開發許可相關案例做為參考,再針對金寧鄉轄區內十餘年來實施「開發許可制度」之成果,以田野調查方式進行全面檢視,並輔以訪談金門地區產、官、學界對於現行制度之看法,提出課題、對策以及傳統聚落土地使用管理之建議模式,並以后沙傳統聚落為實證案例,提出兼具「保存」與「發展」之土地使用管理機制。 本研究認為金門地區之自然村專用區土地,可將其分為「傳統聚落核心區域」及「聚落外圍發展區域」等二類,再分別進行管制,土地屬「傳統聚落核心區域」者應以保存為主,並以開發許可制度達到其保存效果,土地屬「聚落外圍發展區域」者,應進行整體規劃並輔以簡易式重劃使土地有效發展,透過這樣的土地使用管理模式,未來可推廣至金門其他聚落使用參考,進而使金門之自然村專用區土地達到保存傳統聚落風貌並兼具周邊土地發展並之效果。


Through the historical development in past thousand years, Kinmen Island has already naturally formed more than 160 traditional settlements with the constant principle and mode in the architecture style. It is essential to preserve most traditional buildings with the particular landscape in Taiwan, Kinmen, and Xiamen which were under the construction with the patriarchal clan ethics and the space building principles. While executing the overall urban planning at Kinmen in 1996, the indistinct definition of the traditional settlements and the incomprehensive investigation for the traditional settlement status resulted in the improper lands being reserved for the use of the natural village. However, under the planning permission management mechanism for the lands reserved for the use of the natural village, the same examination standard for all lands will cause either the feature change inside the traditional settlements due to the contemporary architecture interspersion, or the feature interference outside the traditional settlements due to the improper development based on the land-use classification in suburbs. This research would like to find out the feasible solution (or mode) for the lands reserved for the use of the natural village. This research was based on 1) the data collection from the related theory of the planning permission, the traditional settlement, the government intervention, and the public interest, 2) the reference from the related planning permission case in Taiwan and UK, 3) the overall result review for the planning permission execution on Jinning Township in the past decade via the field investigation, and 4) the interview with the industry, the government, and the academia to collect tripartite opinions regarding the current system for the suggested modes with the comprehensive advantage optimum for the balance of both the preservation and the development in topics, policies, and the traditional settlement land-use management per the true care of Hou-Sha traditional settlement. Per this research, we understand that there are 2 categories of the lands reserved for the use of the natural village in Kinmen now: the traditional settlement core area and the traditional settlement suburb. We suggest that the lands reserved for the use of the natural village in Kinmen should be managed as follows: the lands belonging to the traditional settlement core area should be proceeded with the preservation via the planning permission to optimize the traditional settlement features, and the lands belonging to the traditional settlement suburb should be proceeded with the integrated planning via the simple land-use re-classification to optimize the suburb land development. This land-use management can be referred to other traditional settlement in Kinmen, and optimize the balance of both the traditional settlement feature preservation and the suburb land development for the lands reserved for the use of the natural village in Kinmen.


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