  • 學位論文


Suppliers Selection Model Construction and Production Planning-Assembly Sequence Planning and Defective Rate

指導教授 : 王河星




Nowadays, the customer’s demand varies fast. The factory must produce product that customer need. Moreover, the globalization make the collaboration between factories become more and more important. In this case, supply chain management and suppliers selections play a key role in production. This study base on the suppliers selection criteria, construct a suppliers selection model. Additionally, this study adds time windows constraints into the suppliers selections model. On the other hand, in the part of production planning, most of the past researches assume that one factory produce one product. Actually, this assumption is not conform with the reality. To improve the assumption, this study assume that one factory produce multi-products. In addition, this study adds assembly sequence planning and assembly line balancing into production planning. For the completeness, this study adds robust optimization based on the defective rate in production planning, increases the robustness of the solutions. In the end, this study combine Guided GA and NSGA-II to solve suppliers selection and production planning and construct them into a system, let the leader make decision fast and effectively.


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