  • 學位論文


Inferring the Service Design and Marketing Strategy of Digital Television Value-Added Services from User Behavior of Smart Mobile Device Apps

指導教授 : 高淩菁 邱志洲


我國推動電視數位化將近二十年,然而至今數位電視普及率仍相當有限。而推廣數位電視的關鍵在於提供符合消費者需求與偏好的數位電視加值服務,以展現異於過去類比電視帶來的使用經驗。但是,受限於現階段之數位電視加值服務使用者仍為少數,本研究無法透過這些少數使用者以全盤了解消費大眾對加值服務之意見。因此,本研究以科技群集理論為研究基礎,探討是否可以從使用者的智慧行動裝置App使用行為推論數位電視加值服務之設計與市場推廣策略。 本研究針對智慧行動裝置使用者與數位電視使用者蒐集問卷資料,利用結構方程模型研究智慧行動裝置App使用行為對於數位電視加值服務需求之影響。研究結果發現,智慧行動裝置App使用行為對於隨選視訊、電視遊戲、電視金融該三種加值服務的需求有正向影響,但是對於電視即時資訊無統計顯著性。因此,本研究認為智慧行動裝置App的使用者為數位電視加值服務的潛在目標市場。研究建議,業者可以從智慧行動裝置App的使用行為以及數位電視與智慧行動裝置兩裝置間的異同性來設計數位電視加值服務與市場推廣策略,進而增加消費者的使用意願,以提升數位電視的普及率。


After near two decade advocacy, the adoption rate of digital television value-added services remains slow. The key to accelerate consumer adoption is to design value-added service according to customer demand and preference. However, collecting these customers’ data is extremely difficult because only few customers actually ever used digital television value-added service and they are scattered in the market. To solve this problem, this research applied the theory of technology clustering and the structural equation modeling to investigate if user behavior of smart mobile device apps can be used to infer the service design and marketing strategy of digital television value-added services in a survey study. The result shows that, except television instant news and information service, user behavior of smart mobile device apps has positive influence on consumer demand for digital television value-added services. This result suggests that users of smart mobile device apps are the potential target market of digital television value-added services. The similarity and differences between smart mobile device and digital television can be used to design digital television apps and its market development strategy.


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