  • 學位論文


Employing Analog Sticks for Responding to Voice Prompt in Non-Visual Interface Context

指導教授 : 黃子坤


近年來各國皆立法禁止使用有礙安全駕駛之電子產品,強調在行駛過程中駕駛 者的視線必須專注於路況的必要性。對此許多導航系統也陸續推出全語音功能,目 的就是讓駕駛者在操作中減少使用視覺。本研究以現有語音導航系統進行使用性評 估,發現全語音操作導航任務仍有以下問題:(1) 駕駛者對導航裝置說話不自在, 且語音未必能正確辨識;(2) 語音輸出過程無法同步進行口語輸入;(3) 語音播放過 程若沒有注意聽取,則語音稍縱即逝,且無法立即要求重述等。駕駛者對全語音導 航操控產生挫折感。 在減少使用視覺的情境下,聽覺與觸覺會是重要的感知途徑,觸覺的操作必須 讓使用者能快速、輕易的確立按鍵方位,才能進行任務操作。本研究發展出一組類 比按鍵(Analog Sticks) 作為回應語音提示的輸入方式。類比按鍵中包括4 個主要指 令:上一筆、下一筆、確認、返回,取代駕駛者的口語輸入,以便在減少使用視覺 的環境下進行導航任務的操作。 本研究由30 位受測者進行使用性評估測試結果發現:在任務一(選擇地址選單 任務),使用類比按鍵輸入表現較佳的績效。任務二(選擇地址選單任務與選擇目的 地任務),使用類比按鍵輸入表現略佳的績效。受測者主觀感受顯示:(1) 以類比按 鍵輔助語音導航操控,駕駛者可立即作選擇(確認、下一筆skip),略過不想聽的語 音內容,減少等待時間,對熟手而言更是便利。(2) 行駛過程中,駕駛者容易錯過 語音提示內容。以類比按鍵操作上(上一筆),可以讓單個語音提示選項重複播放, 是重要的功能。(3)有83% 的受測者願意購買有類比按鍵輔助操控的導航系統。


聲控導航 類比按鍵


Many navigation systems have successively introduced the full voice control feature, of which the purpose is to enable drivers to be less dependent on their sight while driving. This study has assessed the usability of existing voice navigation systems and discovered that full voice navigation tasks still have the following problems: (1) Drivers do not feel comfortable talking to navigation devices, which may not be able to recognize voices correctly; (2) during voice output, it is impossible to give voice commands; (3) during voice playback, the voice message is gone instantly if the user has not listened carefully and it is not possible to immediately request message repetition. All of these have caused drivers to feel frustrated with full voice navigation control. With less dependence on sight, hearing and touch become important sensing pathways. Touch input must enable users to locate keys rapidly and easily so that they can proceed with tasks. This study has developed a set of analog sticks as the input method in response to voice prompts. The analog sticks include four key commands, ‘previous’, ‘next’, ‘OK’, and ‘back’, that replace voice commands by drivers to enable the operation of navigation tasks with less dependence on sight. Findings of the assessment test on usability conducted on 30 test takers reveal that input via analog sticks performs better in Task 1 (Select Address Menu) and slightly better in Task 2 (Select Address Menu and Select Destination). Subjective feelings of the test takers show that (1) analog stick aided voice navigation control allows drivers to make immediate selections (‘OK’, “skip next’) and skip undesired voice messages, thereby reducing wait times, and even more convenient for skilled users; (2) since drivers can easily miss voice prompts while driving, operating with analog sticks (‘previous’) enables repeat playback of a selected single voice prompt, an important feature; (3) 83% of the test takers are willing to buy navigation systems with analog stick aided control.


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