  • 學位論文


A Study on Improving the Cost-Effectiveness of Cloud Testing

指導教授 : 劉建宏




Through using virtualization, cloud testing allows to improve test efficency by distributing test cases to different virtual machines and by performing testing concurrently. In addition, through using multi-cloud architecture, cloud testing can reduce the overall test cost by taking the advantages of lower-cost cloud computing resources. The required time and cost of cloud testing would depend on the number of virtual machines used and the rental costs of the virtual machines. Thus, it is very important to determine how many virtual machines should be used for cloud testing in order to achieve better testing cost-benefit. This thesis proposes a cost-benefit analysis process for cloud testing in which the testing is performed concurrently. The factors that could influence the time and cost of cloud testing, such as the number of virtual machines and the scheduling of testing jobs, are considered in the analysis process. A cloud testing platform is developed and several experiments are conducted to validate the effectiveness of the proposed process. The experimental results show that concurrent testing over cloud can signifiantly improve testing effiency although the speedup ratio does not increase linearly as the number of virtual machines increases. By using the propose process, users can have a better way to determine the number of virtual machines needed for satifying the test requirements while achiving perferable test cost-benefit ratio.


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