  • 學位論文


Design of a live multimedia streaming system with pull-based P2P transport technology

指導教授 : 柯開維


隨著技術的提升網路頻寬越來越大,使用網路進行多媒體影音的播放的行為也越來越普遍,然而,大量的影音資料透過舊有的伺服器與客戶端軟體的使用模式下,造成伺服器必須要具有相當強大的網路與資料處理能力,越來越多的電視直播、重要頒獎典禮等也都提供網路線上即時觀看的功能,是未來網路應用的一大趨勢,為了提高服務的品質,採用P2P分散式傳輸可增加網路的可用性,因此,採用P2P的應用也變得更加的重要。P2P系統可分為四類,分別為「文件共享類系統」、「即時通訊類系統」、「串流媒體類系統」及「共享儲存類系統」。採用P2P方式提高可用性的應用中較廣為人知的軟體有BitTorrent、GTalk、PPLive、Grannary等,透過分散資料的方式讓每個使用者也可以提供服務的能力,使傳輸更具效率,為使用此一技術的一項優勢。 本論文參考BitTorrent架構,自行研製從網路節點建立、群組建立、演算法設計、資料傳輸、到修改Streaming的方法,實作一個影音串流傳輸系統,其主要功能為電視節目電影或現場實況影音即時傳送播放,同時本論文也測試在此傳輸架構下的傳輸品質,提供更多使用者存取的可用性,讓使用者能夠在觀看影音時更為順暢。


With the enhancement of internet technology, media streaming applications become more common and call for more bandwidth. To support live media streaming service, client-server architecture may lead to traffic congestion and burden server’s loading. To solve these problems, we proposed Peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture in order to leverage up server loadings by utilizing P2P distributed transmission. P2P applications can be divided to four types: file sharing systems (e.g. BitTorrent), instant messaging systems (e.g. GTalk), media streaming systems (e.g. PPLive), and storage sharing system (e.g. Grannary). They all share the same properties, resource distribution and bandwidth sharing, to reach higher transmission efficiency, which is one of major advantages of using P2P technique. Referring to the design philosophy of BitTorrent, this thesis proposed a pull-based P2P architecture for live media streaming system. Starting from node and group creations, algorithm design, data transmission, and live streaming consideration, such system is implemented and verified. The transmission quality is also tested while multiple user accessibility is concerned.


1. Apple TV, URL: http://www.apple.com/tw/appletv/what-is/
2. About YouTube, URL: http://www.youtube.com/yt/about/
3. Google Hosted Libraries, URL: https://developers.google.com/speed/libraries/devguide
4. Microsoft. (2013, July) Microsoft Ajax Content Delivery Network - ASP.NET Ajax Library. URL: http://www.asp.net/ajaxlibrary/cdn.ashx
5. Steve Crocker. (1969, April) RFC 1. URL: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1.txt
