  • 學位論文

利用不同取代(3,3’-, 4,4’-)之聯吡啶及其鉑錯合物吸附於鍍鉑二氧化鈦的光敏劑系統在可見光下光催化降解含鹵化合物之研究

Dye Sensitized Pt-coated TiO2-catalyzed Photodegradation of Halogenated Compounds Under Visible Light Irradiation: Dyes of 3,3’-, 4,4’- Disubstituted Bipyridyl Pt complex

指導教授 : 呂良賜


本論文發表了利用光敏劑以及鍍上鉑金屬的二氧化鈦(Pt/TiO2),來光催化降解鹵代有機化合物的研究。我們利用Pt-3,3’(dcpy)Cl2 和1,2-benzenedithiol 在室溫下反應製備出所使用的染料Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt);此染料已用NMR(1H、13C)、FTIR、高解析質譜儀(HR-FAB)及元素分析來進行鑑定。光降解反應時,將吸附染料的鍍鉑二氧化鈦(Pt/TiO2/Pt(bdt))加入二氯甲烷水溶液中,以中心波長為419 nm的可見光照射,並定時取樣由GC及NMR檢測其降解反應。並以不同取代的此種染料Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt)和Pt(4,4’-dcpy)(bdt)在光降解效率上做比較。結果發現Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt)無論在各種基質降解效率上都優於Pt(4,4’-dcpy)(bdt)。我們推測原因為Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt)因為立體障礙導致分子結構扭曲產生的效應,文中以UV吸收光譜、螢光放射光譜及電化學對其進行探討。


Photocatalytic degradation of halogenated compounds using photosensitizer and platinized TiO2 (Pt/TiO2) has been investigated. The Pt-based photosensitizer Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt) (dcpy = dicarboxyl-2,2’-bipyrindine, bdt = 1,2-benzenedithiolate) was prepared by reacting Pt-3,3’(dcpy)Cl2 with 1,2-benzenedithiol in THF/H2O (V/V = 1/1) at room temperature. The dye [Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt)] has been characterized by NMR( 1H、13C)、FTIR、HR-FAB and EA. Pt/TiO2/ Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt) powder which was prepared by immersing the Pt/TiO2 nanoparticle in the Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt)-containing DMSO solution for 24 hours and then recovered the dried particles was added in CH2Cl2-containing aqueous solution, under visible light irradiation (λ = 419 nm) lead to the dechlorination of CH2Cl2 and analysis by GC and NMR. We compared the efficiency between two differently disubstituted bipyridine-containing dyes, ,which are Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt) and Pt(4,4’-dcpy)(bdt), in the photocatalytic degradation of halogenated compounds under the visible light irradiation. We found that Pt(3,3’-dcpy)(bdt) has a better efficiency than Pt(4,4’-dcpy)(bdt) in visible light-driven photodegradation,, and used UV-Vis、PL and CV to explain the possible mechanism.


photodegradation TiO2 photosensitizer


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