  • 學位論文


An Improved Action Command Encoding of Cerebral Cortex M1 Evoked Potential of SD Rat Using Time Delay Neural Networks

指導教授 : 駱榮欽




When we think, feel and act, the neuron will transmit message in the brain. In recent decades, although we have understanding of functions of the brain and the cells, research of neuronal population response has not yet to complete. In order to understand whether it have a regular microinstructions that during different actions transmitting message between neurons in primary motor cortex. In the research, first obtain signals of M1 cortex of rat during different action. We will use nonlinear energy operator (NLEO), independent component analysis (ICA) and dynamic dimension increasing algorithm (DDIA) to extract features of signals. Then use time delay neural network (TDNN) to establish encoding system. The features of neuronal signals will encode Code, then we select the Code of all sections encode Symbolic. Finally, Symbolic from various kinds of the action signals comprise Command and observe the classification system. Through encode neuronal signals of various actions, we hope to understand whether several regular microinstructions exist among neurons of M1 while brain transmitting different action messages and understand the relationship between action behaviors and the functional areas of the brain. In our research, we use TDNN to build encoding system. If we not calculate the number of training samples in simulation respect, the accuracy rate for three actions are 72.7%, 72.7% 81.8%, respectively. In real capture signal respect, the accuracy rate for three actions are 33.3%, 74.1% and 40.7%, respectively.


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