  • 學位論文


Spatial Planning for Irrigation canal in Taipei City-Using as an Example the Land Strip in between the Northern Side of Taipei University of Technology to Section One of Fu Xing South Road

指導教授 : 蔡仁惠


都市中的水圳空間兼具著調整都市微氣候、改善居住環境的特性。在整個都市環境中左右著居住者日常生活發展的脈絡。在現今人與生態環境合諧共存的觀念影響下,都市中的水圳空間對於當地居民來說是極其珍貴難得的天然資源,善用得當,便可使都市景觀、居民以及水圳空間達成一個自然生態、人文環境均衡的狀態,進而創造出一個屬於當地的自然都市生態環境面貌。 台北市早期的農業灌溉溝渠瑠公圳因時代的變遷,從原本交錯縱橫的水圳到現在回填加蓋而成的道路、汙水下水道等。瑠公圳的流域範圍與台北市都市紋理發展息息相關。台北科技大學北側寧馨公園的前身是瑠公圳的第一霧裡薛支線分流之ㄧ。向東延伸與瑠公圳公園及復興路一段相接,往西與新生南路綠軸相交,具有人文、歷史、生態及環境教育等多重地標性格。現為人造公園設施及停車場,對於調整都市微氣候及改善居住環境無直接效益。 因此以寧馨公園及東校區北側至復興南路一段帶狀空間瑠公圳再造為主要設計標的,以「誘導式結構理論」作為操作方式,針對「都市水圳空間再造」為主要研究方向。透過生態景觀的整體規劃,輔以對自然傷害最小的近自然工法及觀念,並利用水圳空間來界定、串聯整個都市的環境現況,使生活在其附近的當地住民及學校的師生,能體驗到都市水圳空間的誘人魅力。進而提升人與自然的生態倫理關係。 本研究以「誘導式結構」為操作方法,「以台北科技大學北側至復興南路一段帶狀空間」為操作對象,藉由都市生態、都市水圳空間、國內外案例與基地環境議題,歸納整合三十九項適用台北科技大學北側至復興南路一段帶狀空間設計原則,相互推論導出六項設計概念,提供作為未來以台北科技大學北側至復興南路一段帶狀空間設計的參考與建議。


Ditch space in the city has played the features that will micro-tune urban weather and improve living environment so that it affects the development network of daily life among inhabitants within the entire city. Under the exposure of concept for harmonious coexistence between man and ecological environment, ditch space in the city is reckoned to be of extremely precious natural resource for local inhabitants. If such resource can be well utilized, it can have rendered a balance status between natural ecology and humanity environment for urban landscape, inhabitants, and ditch space,and further create ecological environment façade of natural city for local inhabitants. With changes of times, Lou-gong ditch has, left behind from early agricultural irrigation of Taipei City, turned from previous interlacing water ditch and sewage to those roads that are now reclaimed and covered up. The tributary range of Liou-gong Ditch is closely related to the development of urban vein. The predecessor of Nin-sing Park at the northern side of National Taipei University of Technology is one of the first subsidiaries of Wu-li-tsue tributary. To the east, it extends Liou-gong Ditch Park and Section 1 of Fu-xing Road, and to the west it is connected with the greenery axis of Shin-sheng South Road, given with several important landmark characters for humanity, history, ecology, and environmental education. For the time being, it is turned into man-made park facility and parking lot, which has not direct benefit to the adjustment of micro-tuning of city weather and improvement of living environment. Therefore, belt-shaped space of Liou-gong Ditch from Nin-sing Park to the northern side of eastern campus up to Section 1 of Fu-xing South Road is taken as the primary target of design for re-construction. Using “theory of heuristic structure” as it measure of operation, it will focus on “re-construction of urban water-ditch space” as its primary approach of research. Through the holistic planning of ecological landscape, it will be assisted with natural engineering measures and concept causing the minimal damager to nature, whereas water-ditch space is used to define and link up the current environmental scenario of the entire city. In such a way, life of local residents and school teachers and students in the neighborhood can experience the charming attraction of space from urban water-ditch. Thus, it can have enhanced the relationship of ecological ethics between mankind and nature. This study has resorted to “heuristic structure” as its measure of operation, whereas “Belt-shaped Space from the Northern Side of National Taipei University of Technology to Section 1 of Fu-xing South Road,” making use of urban ecology, space of water ditch, domestic and oversea case, and issue of site environment so that 39 items of principles of space design that are suitable for application to belt-shaped space from the northern side of National Taipei University of Technology to Section 1 of Fu-xing South Road are concluded and integrated. Consequently, 6 categories of design concepts are inferred to provide for design reference and suggestions of belt-shaped space from the northern side of National Taipei University of Technology to Section 1 of Fu-xing South Road in the future.


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