  • 學位論文


The Impact on RFID to Process Performance -A Case of Gas Company

指導教授 : 林耀欽


射頻識別即RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)技術,為非接觸式自動識別技術的一種,其應用範圍十分的廣泛,於許多的行業中都可見識到其應用。藉由將電子標籤放置在物品上,以無線傳輸技術,將貨品的資訊連接至電腦網路裡,追蹤作業流程中的貨品。RFID的導入,將可改變以往的作業模式,可使實體物流與資訊流結合,詳細紀錄產品生命週期內所有訊息,增加能見度,提高整體作業流程的價值。因此本研究主要在探討個案公司在導入RFID技術進行應用於公司本身的流程與績效有何影響,並且將個案公司的流程分為進廠作業流程、秤重灌氣作業流程、出廠作業流程、運送作業流程以及訂銷貨流程等五種流程,而後進行探討。 本研究以探索性研究設計,針對個案公司的作業流程在導入RFID技術後有何改善。並提出9項觀察,從觀察中可以發現到,個案公司藉由應用RFID技術,協助企業以利用資訊科技來改良作業流程中的缺陷,將可對上述的五大流程有所改良,更能提升個案公司本身之績效,增加產業競爭力。


射頻識別 流程改善 績效


Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) is one of the non-contact-type automatic recognition technologies .It can be used in many industries .RFID is with a kind of ' the label ' of microchip put on goods, with wireless transmission technology , connect the information of goods to the computer network, procedure of following the trail of goods in operation process. Insertion of RFID, it will change the tradition operation process .It can make entity's logistics combine with information flow , note down all information in cycle of the life of the products in detail, increase visibility , improve the value of operation process wholly. This research studies the organization processes and Performance after Insertion of Radio Frequency Identification .Furthermore, this research define the organization process which we study in this research .The processes are to enter the factory process ,Weight and filling process ,to leave the factory process ,carrying process and order and sales process. This research, through case study methodology, studies the organization processes after Insertion of Radio Frequency Identification .This research pointed out night observations ,Based on the organization we studied ,we found out the organization could ameliorate the defect of the operation processes by using RFID technology ,otherwise by using RFID can improve the operational performance.


RFID Process Improvement, Performance


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