  • 學位論文


The Organization and Operation of Deity Shrine of Peikang Chao Tien Temple --A Comparison between “Hsiao Chiao Tuan” and “Chuang Yi Tuan”

指導教授 : 劉阿榮


摘 要 本論文研製之神明會組織是台灣社會中常見的宗教團體,其中北港朝天宮的神明會組織與運作已具有相當的規模,發展的時間相當長久,神明會組織的數量多,組織的活動十分多元,甚至連國外都有北港神明會組織的分會。本研究透過北港鎮的歷史悠久「哨角團」與規模較大「莊儀團」神明會組織之比較研究,進行實地調查,讓大家對神明會組織有更深切的了解,使民眾對於神明會組織願意接納與支持,別用異樣的眼光去看待,也希望藉此研究提供給國內其他神明會組織之運作與未來發展方向提供一個參考依據,使這樣具有本土性的組織能永續經營,將宗教文化傳承下去,保留在地的文化特色,並將本土文化發揚光大。 「哨角團」和「莊儀團」這兩個組織深具特色。前者歷史悠久,擁有獨特的傳統技藝,但在人才培養方面遭遇困境;後者組織規模龐大且運作良好,在人才傳承方面相當不錯,這兩個組織的差異性,是本論文所要分析探討的重點。本研究採文獻探討和深度訪談法,針對「宗教型非營利組織」和「神明會組織」等相關議題,蒐集過去研究學者們探討相關議題的各種文獻資料,並從這些資料中先作初步回顧、整理、歸納與整合,訪談的對象為二十人,訪談參與「哨角團」與「莊儀團」的組織成員、北港朝天宮的廟方人員以及北港地區的居民,希望能獲取多元的觀點和意見。將研究資料分析並進行比對後,了解「哨角團」與「莊儀團」的組織緣起、特性、活動情形及發展趨勢,分析出兩組織的差異性,最後再依據研究分析的比較結果,提出具體的建議,探討出神明會未來的發展與定位,以作為未來研究地方文化的參考,使後人能透過實際的案例,認識神明會組織,作為神明會組織發展與研究之參考。


The deity shrine under research is a commonly visible religious organization in Taiwan society, among which the organization and operation of Deity Shrine of Peikang Chao Tien Temple is the one who has developed into a considerable scale, manifested by a large number of branches at home and abroad and a great diversity of organization related activities. This paper is intended to make a comparison between Peikang’s two deity shrine based organizations, “Hsiao Chiao Tuan”, the one having longer history, and “Chuang Yi Tuan”, the one being larger scale, through a practical survey for the purpose of allowing people to have an in-depth understanding of the deity shrine based organizations, and further accepting or supporting them by taking general attitude without any prejudice. In addition, this paper is also intended to point out some directions favorable to the future development and operation of the deity shrine based organization for national other same organizations’ reference in expectation of maintaining sustainable development of such kind of local organizations in order to attain the objective of passing down religious culture, and preserving the characteristics of local culture as well as enhancing or glorifying it. “Hsiao Chiao Tuan” and “Chuang Yi Tuan” both are very special features of local organizations that the former has a long history and retains unique traditional skills, yet it is encountering difficulties in talent cultivation; that the latter is a large-scale and well-operated organization, as well as it has performed excellent in sustainable talent management. The emphasis of this paper is put on analyzing and exploring the difference between both organizations mentioned above. By adopting literature review and in-depth interview, this study is to first proceed in collecting, sorting, inducing and integrating various research literature and data on the issues relating to “Religious Non-profit Organization” and “Deity Shrine Based Organization”, and then to undertake an interview with 20 persons respectively from members of the organizations of “Hsiao Chiao Tuan” and “Chuang Yi Tuan”, personnel of Peikang Chao Tien Temple and residents in Peikang area in order to acquire a diverse point of view. The final step is to analyze and compare research data collected for understanding the origin, characteristics, activity situation and development trend of the two organizations of “Hsiao Chiao Tuan” and “Chuang Yi Tuan”, and find out the difference between both. Based on the results of collected data research and analysis, this paper is to eventually put forward several constructive suggestions about the future development and orientation of deity shrine for future people’s reference in conducting a research of local culture or the development of deity shrine based organization through a practical case.


官有垣(2000b)。〈非營利組織在台灣的發展:兼論政府對財團法人基金會的法令規範〉,《中國行政評論》,第10卷,第1期,頁 75-110。
官有垣(2000c)。〈非營利組織在台灣的發展:兼論政府對財團法人基金會的法令規範〉,《中國行政評論》,第10卷,第1期,頁 75-110。


