  • 學位論文


Study of Introducing Highly Availability Server Virtualization Architecture into Information Service Platform–Taking a Certain University as an Example

指導教授 : 龐金宗


隨著資訊科技快速發展的腳步,各項創新的資訊產品及服務概念亦從未間斷的衍生,除了追求產品效能的升級,如何發揮各項資源的最大效益,更是企業關注的課題。如同多核心處理器的發展概念一般,如何能夠在一台伺服器中,提供多項服務,卻又需避免不同服務間的衝突、分散各系統共存的風險、且需符合設備的相容性等,為了滿足企業的需求,原本只存在於大型主機的伺服器虛擬化技術,克服了先天架構上的種種限制,再次捲土重來,成為近年來最熱門的話題。 本研究透過個案實際導入伺服器虛擬化之過程作為研究重心,深入探討虛擬化之技術,並完整紀錄個案於虛擬化導入過程中,所遭遇之問題及解決方法,進而分析個案導入伺服器虛擬化後所帶來之效益,期能提供欲導入本技術之企業機關,做為系統導入之評估及參考技術。


With the fast advances of information technology, various innovative IT products and service concepts have unceasingly evolved. Other than pursuing the enhancement in product performance, how to allow resources to produce maximum benefits is also a subject enterprises pay close attention to. Similar to the concept of development of multi-core processors, providing multiple services in a single server while simultaneously avoiding conflicts among different services, dispersing common risks among various systems, and satisfying equipment compatibility have all become popular topics in recent years. In order to cater to the needs of enterprises, the virtualization technology that originally only existed in large-sized servers which overcomes various limitations inherent therein has then earned its comeback. This study records the process of practically introducing server virtualization of a specific case as the focus of study, discusses in-depth the virtualization technology, and provides a complete record of the issues encountered during the process of introducing virtualization and the solutions to these issues, to further utilizes it to analyze the benefits in the hopes of serving as an evaluation tool and a reference for enterprises and organizations desiring to integrate this technology.


server virtualization virtualization Hyper-V


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