  • 學位論文


Evaluating the Balance from Using wobble board-based exergaming system

指導教授 : 江行全


平衡力的改善的研究大多都著重於老年人,而老化現象的影響及一些老年疾病的發生都是會造成實驗的變異。本研究欲針對健康的年青人在虛擬實境遊戲之平衡訓練中,與身體的平衡力能否改善,做深入的研究,也探討訓練前後平衡力之差異及長期(一個月)訓練下平衡力之改變。本研究中共有12位自願參與實驗之年輕人,進行步態功能性測試、平衡訓練儀的訓練與站姿試驗,同時測量二分鐘的COP平衡訊號並記錄步態功能性測試的數據。量測到的COP訊號拆解成前後方向訊號及左右方向訊號,進行傳統指標分析、多尺度熵(MSE)分析,與多元多尺度熵(MMSE)分析方法進行訓練前後及長期訓練平衡力之比較。 研究結果顯示,於步態功能性測試上,30秒坐站測試上訓練前後比較約有過半的次數有統計上的顯著增加。經過一個月平衡訓練儀的訓練,從第二次訓練開始,起立坐下的次數有很明顯的增加。於3公尺行走測試項目,訓練前後的比較沒有顯著上的差異。經過長期的訓練,時間上有些微的減少但無統計上的差異,因為年青人正值人生的黃金時期,可以解釋有上述步態功能性測試有改善卻無顯著的現象。在傳統指標分析部份,長期訓練的結果,在平均速度及總路徑在第二、三次上有些微的顯著進步,訓練前後差異於平均速度及總路徑於第八次有達到統計上的顯著差異。在多尺度熵分析項目,訓練末期前後方向及左右方向的多尺度熵曲線皆比訓練初期的曲線來得高。於多元多尺度熵分析,訓練初期與末期比較的結果,有達到統計顯著上的差異,而訓練前差異比較雖無顯著差異,但於整體平均數為正數。總體而言,平衡訓練儀經過長時間使用,能有效地改善人體的平衡能力。


The research of improvement on postural stability usually focused on the elderly, and the variation of the experiment is caused by aging and aged-related disease. This study is to examine the improvement of balance in youngsters by using wobble board-based exergaming system, and the improvement of short term (the immediately training effect) and long term(undergoing one-month training). Twelve young subjects participated this experiment in gait functional test, standing postural test, and training of wobble board-based exergaming system. When processing the experiment, the researcher synchronously record the data of gait functional test and COP signals. The COP signals measured by researcher can be decomposed into anterior-posterior (AP) signals and medial-lateral (ML) signals. Comparison in training balance of long term and short term can be analyzed by using traditional index analysis, multiscale entropy analysis and multivariate multiscale entropy analysis. The results show that about 50% of the 30-sec sit-and-stand test of gait functional test increase significantly due to training. After one-month balance training, the times from sitting down to rising increase significantly since the 2nd training. There are no differences of training effect between pre-training and post-training. The duration decreases slightly but no statistically significant after a long term training, the appearance of improving without significance in gait functional test can be explained since the subjects are young and the physical conditions of are usually good. The 2nd and the 3rd of the MVELO and TOTEX improve slightly after long term training in traditional indices. The training effect in the 8th of the MVELO and TOTEX improves significantly. The curves of anterior-posterior multiscale entropy and medial-lateral multiscale entropy in the end of the training are higher than those in the beginning of the training. The difference between the end of the training and the beginning of the training are significant in the multivariate multiscale entropy. Although there is no difference in the effect of training, the mean of the whole effect of training of the subjects are positive. Generally speaking, the wobble board-based exergaming system can improve postural balance effectively after long term use.


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