  • 學位論文


The correlations of parenting stress, explanatory style, and mental health in mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder

指導教授 : 莊勝發


自閉症類群疾患兒童的家長受兒童特質影響有較大的親職壓力,而較高的壓力會影響家長的心理適應情形,可能導致憂鬱產生、幸福感下降,且母親憂鬱情形及比率高於父親。過去研究顯示家長特質-特別是認知因素,在壓力與心理適應間扮演了重要角色。負向事件解釋型態被認為與無望感產生、憂鬱發作、維持正向情緒有關,近年更發現正向事件解釋型態對憂鬱有緩衝效果並能預測幸福感。本研究對象為61名約一歲半至五歲自閉症類群疾患兒童之母親(年齡M=34.70, SD=4.33),使用長型親職壓力量表評估親職壓力、歸因型態量表評估解釋型態、貝克憂鬱量表-第二版中文版評估憂鬱、心理健康連續量表-台灣短版評估幸福感,探討親職壓力與憂鬱、幸福感的關係,以及解釋型態與親職壓力、憂鬱、幸福感的關係。相關分析結果發現親職壓力與憂鬱呈顯著正相關、與幸福感呈顯著負相關,顯示有較高親職壓力的母親,憂鬱情形較高、幸福感較低;解釋型態中,負向全面歸因與親職壓力呈顯著正相關、與幸福感呈顯著負相關,顯示傾向使用全面性原因來解釋負向事件的母親,有較高親職壓力與較低幸福感。然而,正向事件解釋型態及其分向度與心理適應結果無關,且正向全面與親職壓力呈顯著正相關並與研究假設不一致。


歸因型態 歸因風格 憂鬱 幸福感


Due to characteristics of the children with autism spectrum disorder(ASD), higher parenting stress is found in the children’s parents. Higher parenting stress could affect the psychological adaptations of the parents, which leads to higher depression and lower mental well-being. There are especially higher depressive symptoms and rates in mothers than in fathers. Researches showed that the characteristics of the parents might play an important role in the process of stress adaptation, especially cognitive factors. The attributional styles for negative events correlate with the development of hopelessness, depression onset, and maintenance of positive emotion. The attributional styles for positive events have a buffer effect on depression and predict mental well-being. The research subjects included 61 mothers with ASD children. We use Parenting Stress Index-Long Form, the Attributional Style Questionnaire, Beck Depression Inventory-II (Chinese ver.), and the Taiwan Version of Mental Health Continuum-Short Form to evaluate the stress, explanatory style, depression and well-being of the mothers with ASD children. Result: The parenting stress is significantly related with depression positively and with well-being negatively, which implies that mothers with higher parenting stress have higher depression and lower well-being. The global attribution for negative events is significantly related with parenting stress positively and with well-being negatively, which suggests that mothers who attribute negative events for global causes have higher parenting stress and lower well-being. However, attributional styles for positive events have no significant correlation with psychological adaptations, and to attribute positive events for global causes associates with parenting stress significantly but in the contrary way.


attributional style depression well-being


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