  • 學位論文


Biomechanical Analysis of the Lower Extremity During Standing Yoga Postures in Yoga Instructors.

指導教授 : 吳汶蘭


目的: 瑜珈動作包括站姿、坐姿、前彎、後仰、扭轉、躺姿等,在日常生活中隨時都能運用的動作。瑜珈除了可以增進身體柔軟度、肌肉力量、降低心血管疾病、提升精神生活品質;同時也須注意練習瑜珈不當可能會造成的傷害。預防潛在傷害勝於治療,練習瑜珈動作時應該了解自己身體的限制。因此本研究的目的是透過生物力學分析五種常見的瑜珈站姿動作中,髖、膝、踝關節面受力,及其動作中肌力誘發之訊號。透過專業的瑜珈指導者呈現出瑜珈練習的效果與準則。 方法: 11位合格的專業瑜珈指導者(RYT200、RYT500)呈現五種常見的瑜珈站姿動作:椅子式、樹式、勇士一式、勇士二式與勇士三式。透過六台相機之高速攝影分析、肌電圖分析和力板分析下肢關節面受力與肌力誘發,肌電訊號以最大等長自主收縮百分比呈現。勇士一式與勇士二式包含前後腳,因此共有七項的下肢動作。 結果: 髖關節之矢狀面與額狀面、膝關節之矢狀面與額狀面、踝關節之矢狀面在七個瑜珈動作下,關節力矩有顯著性差異(P < 0.05)。勇士一式和勇士二式的髖關節在矢狀面與額狀面上受力最大。椅子式的髖關節與膝關節在額狀面的受力最小,且有較高的股四頭肌群肌電訊號。勇士三式有較高的膕旁肌群肌電訊號。樹式在下肢各關節面受力最小。肌電訊號在五個瑜珈動作中,皆無統計上顯著差異,然而,股外側肌在勇士二式前腿有最大訊號(47.7 %MVC)、股直肌在椅子式有最大訊號(33.0 %MVC)、股內側肌在勇士一式後腿有最大訊號(50.4 %MVC)、股二頭肌與半腱肌則是在勇士三式有最大訊號(各別為28.5% 與 37.2 %MVC)。 結論: 本研究量化五種常見之瑜珈站姿動作的下肢生物力學。髖關節疾患者特別注意勇士一式與勇士二式動作;椅子式對股四頭肌群訓練有正面效益;勇士三式對膕旁肌群訓練有較高效益;樹式對站立平衡不穩的學習者,建議可扶牆面或椅子以建立側向之穩定。本研究結果希望能為瑜珈練習提供參考,或瑜珈老師指導有特殊體能需求者的應用資訊,確實的動作能對下肢關節與其肌力帶來正面的影響。


Purpose: Yoga asana included various poses, sitting, standing, forward and backbends, twists, inversions, and lying positions, which can facilitate integration of the exercises into daily living. In addition to its effectiveness in improving flexibility, strength, quality of life, and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, its injury from the practice may also need to be noted. Prevention potential injury when we do any kind of sports or exercises is better than a cure, as well as the idea that yoga should be practiced with a mindful observation for the limits of our bodies. Therefore, the purpose of this study were to determine three lower extremity joint moments of force across two planes of motion, muscle activation patterns with experienced yoga instructors, and to establish preliminary evidence for yoga practicing about its efficacy and safety. Methods: Eleven yoga instructors with Registered Yoga Teacher 200-hour (RYT200) or a Registered Yoga Teacher 500-hour (RYT500) qualification were enrolled in this study and performed five common standing yoga poses: Chair pose, Tree pose, Warrior I pose, Warrior II pose, and Warrior III pose. Six-camera motion capture system, surface electromyography (EMG), and a force platform were used for biomechanical analysis of the standing yoga poses. EMG data were expressed as a percentage of EMG activation achieved during maximal voluntary contraction (%MVC). Results: The results showed that hip sagittal and frontal plane, knee sagittal and frontal plane, and ankle sagittal plane joint moments of force (JMOFs) had significant difference (P < 0.05) in five yoga poses. The Warrior 1 pose and the Warrior 2 pose produced the highest hip JMOFs in sagittal and frontal plane. The Chair pose produced the lowest hip and knee JMOFs in frontal plane. The Tree pose produced lower JMOFs across hip, knee and ankle in sagittal and frontal plane. No statistical significant difference EMG data in five yoga poses. However, it showed vastus lateralis muscle EMG activation was the highest during Warrior 2 front-limb (47.7 %MVC). Rectus femoris EMG activation during Chair pose was the highest (33.0 %MVC). Vastus medialis EMG activation was the highest during the Warrior 1 back-limb (50.4 %MVC). Biceps femoris (28.5 %MVC) and semitendinosus (37.2 %MVC) muscles EMG activations were both highest during Warrior 3 pose. Conclusion: This study quantified the lower extremity physical demands of 5 common standing yoga poses. Patients with hip joint disease need to be careful when doing Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 poses. Chair pose is good for quadriceps training. Warrior 3 pose has positive effect on hamstrings. Tree pose for learners with unstable standing balance, we recommend do it with wall or chair for providing lateral stability.


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