  • 學位論文


Invisible Angle in the Operation Room : The Construction of the profession of Nurse Anesthtists and Its Conditions at Workplace in Taiwan

指導教授 : 成令方


本論文試圖以性別的角度,分析麻醉護理人員在台灣的醫療體制與職場上的處境。麻醉護士,長期以來處於醫療體制中的邊緣位置,其專業不像美國麻護得到專業化的認可,這正是性別與專業的研究重點。 本研究主要有兩個目的:第一,挑戰以醫師為主的麻醉史觀,為麻醉護士發聲,讓麻醉護士在麻醉史中現身;第二,透過麻醉護士在醫療體制中與醫師和麻護之間的互動過程,揭露醫療專業「包含」(included)麻醉護士的性別意義。希望藉由這研究能有助於讀者理解麻護在過去五十年來對麻醉醫療的重要貢獻,以便扭轉在醫護關係中被輕忽略的地位。 本論文採取質性研究法蒐集資料,訪談了23位,其中3位醫師,2位護理人員,其他均為麻醉護士。研究結果歸納如下: 首先,麻醉護士在麻醉醫療的歷史當中,曾是手術室中的「把脈者」、「指導者」與「工作主力」,在麻醉護理工作史上各有其不可忽略的多元形象。另外,麻醉護士被麻醉醫療組織「包含」過程是具有特別的性別意義,也就是男人不願進入的領域,女性因而得以進入。 其次,麻醉護士進入職場,需要透過很多的篩選機制,本身就是一種「性別」的選擇過程。加上麻醉護士的訓練大多來自於醫師,所以,麻醉護士從進入、訓練、到工作安排,處處可見到父權文化以極輕微方式操作的影子。 最後,麻醉護士的職場是一個巨大的權力網路系統,在這張大網中,身處其中的人相互驅動、排斥、連結與認同。麻醉護士不是完全被動的角色,她們面對不公平的權力關係時也會產生「隱微」的抵抗。


麻醉護士 性別 專業 權力 抵抗


This dissertation tries to analyze from a gender perspective the work experience of anesthesia nurses both in medical system and workplace in Taiwan. Anesthesia nurses have been in the margin of the medical system, its profession failed to gain the recognition in the way as its counterpart in the States, so it is an issue for the study of gender and medicine. This research contains two purposes. First, it challenges the doctor-centered anesthesia history, voices for nurses and enables the nurses visible in the anesthesia history. Second, it exposes the gendered meaning of professional “inclusion” of anesthesia nurses in the medical system through the process of their interaction with doctors and other nurses. With the hope that the study can illustrate the significant contributions of the nursing service in the last 50 years in anesthesia, and as a result improving the ignored position in doctor-nurse relation. The study adopts qualitative research methods. I have 23 interviewees, among them three doctors and two nurses and the rest are anesthesia nurses. The results are as follows: First, anesthesia nurses have undertaken ‘pulse-detector’, ‘instructors’ and ‘main force’ in operation room in anesthesia medical history. Their multiple images cannot be neglected in the history. Besides, the process of including anesthesia nurses into medical system has specific gender meaning. That is to say, it’s the field which males were unwilling to enter, therefore females entered instead. . Second, the selecting process for anesthesia nurses itself is very ‘gendered’. Most of the anesthesia nurses gain their training from doctors. We can see the overall controlling of patriarchy culture operating in a slight way from their entering, training and work arrangements. Last, the work places of anesthesia nurses are within a giant power net system. People in the system drive, reject, connect and recognize each other. Anesthesia nurses are not completely passive as they confront the unbalanced power, they will bring forth ’subtle’ resistance.


anesthesia nurse gender profession power resistance


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Corbin, Juliet & Strauss, Anselm合著,徐宗國譯(1997)《質性研究概論》,台北:巨流。
Dreyfus, Hubert L& Rabinow, Paul著,錢俊譯(2005)《傅科-超結構主義與詮釋學》,台北:桂冠。


