  • 學位論文


"Socialite Wives" : Wifehood and Motherhood Practices of Taiwanese Women in Japan

指導教授 : 林津如


本研究探討台日跨國婚姻中,移住日本台籍女性配偶的妻職與母職實踐。移日台籍配偶在日本社會面臨怎麼樣的母職期待?母職實踐呈現何種風貌?如何在日本的主流文化下,將中文教育下一代?遇到了哪些歷程與掙扎?本研究採用深度訪談與參與觀察法,透過對21名移日台籍配偶的生命經驗分析其妻職與母職經驗以及對小孩的中文教育策略。 研究發現受到日本認為小孩三歲前由媽媽親自帶較好的母職觀念,以及台籍配偶在日本失去了語言資本,加上日本的稅制與社會保險制度皆對全職媽媽家庭有利的影響下,使得多數台籍配偶成為全職媽媽。缺乏育兒支持系統,是移日台籍配偶面臨的共同困境,加上日本老公加班是常態,因此平日家務及育兒的事,幾乎由台籍配偶全部包辦。小孩上幼稚園後,是台籍配偶較深入日本社會與文化的轉捩期,不僅小孩社會化,連台籍配偶本身也必須學著一起日本社會化。 移日台籍配偶與小孩講中文的語言溝通方式並非固定不變,半數的台籍配偶,因為講中文會被以奇怪的眼光看待,使得半數台籍配偶選擇在外面說日文,回家講中文的策略;有的則是在外面以中、日文雙語並行的方式教導小孩。但有八位台籍配偶,無論在家或外面均與小孩講中文,這些台籍配偶的老公與公婆都很支持小孩學習中文。這些台籍配偶認為就算在外面,媽媽自己對於自己的語言和身分也要認同與堅持,並認為自己放棄了許多來到日本,並接受日本的文化與生活習慣,教小孩中文對她們來說是最後的堅持。 進入幼稚園後是台籍配偶調整中文政策的轉捩期。有些台籍配偶為了讓小孩儘早融入幼稚園,會加強小孩的日文,有些台籍配偶反而會更提醒自己與小孩講中文,但最有效方法的是寒暑假帶回台灣與台灣家人相處及上台灣幼稚園。可知台籍配偶就算在日本,也從未放棄傳承中文的責任,努力將中文教給小孩,並藉由中文教育策略,展現自我認同。


This thesis focuses on how Taiwanese women who married to Japanese men practiced motherhood in Japan. Adopting in-depth interviews with twenty-one Taiwanese women who married to Japanese men in Japan, this research analyzes their wifehood and motherhood experiences and their Chinese education tactics for children. I explore how expectations of being a mother in Japanese society influence the Taiwanese spouses. How do they practice motherhood in a migrant context? What are the difficulties and challenges they face? How do they teach their children Chinese in Japan cultural context? This research finds out that many Taiwanese spouses become stay-at-home mothers .Because the Japanese society prefers children should brought up in the hands of their own mother to three years old. Taiwanese spouses lose their original language capital in Japan. On top of that, the tax and social insurance system all are beneficial for single outcome family. Lack of children support system is the most difficult situation for Taiwanese spouses to be a stay-at-home mother. Besides, their Japanese husband often works overtime on weekdays. Taiwanese spouses have to cover all household and children’s t affairs. After children enter a kindergarten, children have to learn Japanese socialization, and so do the Taiwanese spouses. The way of communication between Taiwanese spouses and their children are various. Half of Taiwanese spouses reported that they would like to choose the situations to decide which languages they preferred due to cultural discrimination. Some preferred communicating in Chinese at home and speaking Japanese in the public; some using both languages outside. However, eight Taiwanese spouses reported that they talk to their children in Chinese anywhere. Those eight Taiwanese think they have already give up Taiwan’s family and culture to move to Japan, and accepting the concept of Japanese culture and habits. Chinese is the last Taiwan culture that they should insist on. They would like to show their language skill and self- identity no matter where they had been. They are supported by their husbands and in-laws because their families in Japan also agreed that learning Chinese is important to their children. Entering to kindergarten is a turning period for changing attitudes. Some reported that they would strengthen their children's Japanese ability in order to assimilate quickly. Some reported that they reminded themselves to talk to their children in Chinese more compared to the period before entering to kindergarten. However, they agreed the best approach to strengthen their children’s Chinese ability is coming back to Taiwan. Their children could have more time to spend with Taiwanese families and entering to kindergarten in Taiwan during long vacation. These Taiwanese spouses have been never giving up the responsibility of teaching Chinese to their next generation and trying to show their part of self identity through the way of their Chinese language education.


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