  • 學位論文


A Study on the Performance of Arm Forces Logistic Supply Chain system

指導教授 : 王正華
共同指導教授 : 陳寬裕


隨著科技不斷發展,在整備武器裝備整體後勤管理的同時,如何從供應鏈觀點檢討現行軍品供補作業流程之種種關聯性問題?所以,本研究在探討如何運用績效評估方式,檢討現階段國軍後勤供補流路與環節所產生之窒礙,找出無效率單位及目標改善水準,並以空軍七個維修機隊為研究對象,採用民國92年至94年間各機隊採購成本、庫存支援成本、籌購量、飛機待件架數、物料撥補量及飛機妥善率等資料,以年為效率受評單位(Decision Making Unit;DMU),使用英國Banxia Software公司的Frontier Analyst Pro 4(75 unit)軟體,評估各受評單位的績效表現。 研究發現從產出導向的觀點,物料撥補量有增加11%的空間,飛機修妥架數方面可增加11.8%的空間,機隊平均妥善率方面可提高56.3%的空間;另投入導向觀點來看,受評單位整體效率在採購成本可節省3.74%的空間,在庫存支援成本可節省9.78%的空間,在飛機待件架數可降低7.39%的空間。因此,有了清楚的增減改善方向與幅度,就可使管理者對於整體效率的改善,做出適切而正確的決策。


Under the rapid technology evolution environment,when trying to Improve weapon system logistics management;Air Force has to review the cuurent military supply system with Supply Chain Management view.Therefore, this study is to explore how to use performance assessment methods to figure out the difficulties existing the cuurent supply system,and find out the inefficient units and the objective to improve.This study took the 7 maintenance & supply groups of Air Force as research samples,and accumulated the data of procurement cost ,inventory cost,quantity of order,numbers of aircrafts for awaiting parts,quantity of issue,and aircraft availability during 2003 to 2005.Using Frontier Analyst pro 4(75 unit),Banxia Software evaluated the performances of each examined unit. The result of the study found that from the output oriented view,there is 11% increasing range for quantity of issue,11.8% for aircraft availability,and 56.3% for increasing the average fleet readiness ,and from the input oriented view,there is 3.74% reducing range for procurement cost, 9.78% for inventory cost,and 7.39% for number of aircrafts for awaiting parts.According to the result,it clearly point out the direction and range to improve,which is helpful for decision makers to make up right strategies to improve the supply system effectiveness.


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