  • 學位論文


The Comparison on the Usage of 10-Year Long Term Look-after Plan – The Study on Relevant Factors of Home Service and Usage Interruption

指導教授 : 王劼
共同指導教授 : 陳信宏(Xin-Hong Chen)


摘 要 研究目的:我國居家服務已開辦多年,但自民國九十七年起開辦的長期照顧十年計劃中將不再有免費時數,因為新政策改變後尚未有針對影響繼續使用的因素做研究,為瞭解影響使用的相關因素,本研究針對長期照顧十年計劃開辦後,高雄縣居家服務繼續使用之意願與相關因素做調查。 研究設計與方法:本研究為橫斷式研究,以問卷調查方式共收集繼續使用與中斷使用居家服務的社區老人共333人。資料分析以邏輯式迴歸進行。 結果:影響是否使用新制居家服務的最重要因素為『付費使用居家服務是否值得』其次是『每月補助時間限制』另外,男性繼續使用機率亦比女性高。 綜合以上研究結果,建議居家服務的提供單位要不斷提升服務的專業性與外籍監護工之差異性才能讓使用者感受到所提供的服務是物超所值,藉以吸引更多需要的人選擇購買此服務;而未來政府在規劃長期照顧保險時對於時數的補助是要以能符合被照顧者及主要照顧者之需求來考量,建議放寬補助時數將能提高使用者的意願,以達在地老化之政策目標。 關鍵字: 居家服務、長期照顧、服務利用


Abstract Research Goal: Our local home service had been implemented for a long time. However, from 2008 on, there was no more free-hour favor available for 10-year long term look-after plans. Because there was no relevant researches on continuous usage of senior look-after plans regulated by new policies, to understand the relevant factors about service usage, this research conducted surveys about home service on Kaohsiung County to explore the willing for continuous usage and relevant factors after 10-year long term look-after plan was implemented. Research Design and Method: This research was a horizontal experiment with questionnaires to collect data from both continuous and interrupt usage of home service given to community seniors. There were totally 333 subjects joining this research. Data analysis was operated with logical regression. Result: The most important factor to affect whether to use new systems for home service was “if payable home service worthy?” following by “time limitations for monthly subsidy”. Additionally, the continuous usage rate of males was higher than that of females. To summarize aforesaid results, it was suggested the units to provide home service had to incessantly improve the distinction between service professionalism and the service given by foreign nursing labors so that the service would be beyond its original value. By means of this, it could appeal more people to purchase this service. In future, whenever the government was regulating hour subsidy for long term look-after insurance plans, it would be aimed to take considerations to meet demands from people to be cared and care givers. It was suggested the limitations on hour subsidy should be relieved to enhance the purchase willing from users with the policies for the goals of local senior look-after reachable. Keywords: home service,long term care,utilization


home service long term care utilization


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