  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 陳祥水


摘 要 本論文是以國民中學初任教師的學校生活為研究的主軸,希望能夠理解國中初任教師如何融入學校生活,另一方面也從教師生活脈絡中探究學校結構的運作機制與一些無形的規範,從而理解初任教師在此歷程中學習如何教學、管理,瞭解教師角色與責任,接受同儕與學校的價值,而表現出社會化的行為。 研究資料的蒐集與分析從兩方面來進行,首先是觀察初任教師在教室場域師生互動的實際狀況進行分析,這方面的資料大都是由筆者在班級以及導師辦公室等的觀察、訪談而得。其次,觀察影響初任教師思考與行動的學校正式規範與非正式規範,例如:教師文化,這方面的資料是經由一些文獻回顧的蒐集及田野觀察與老師閒聊所得。 研究發現,初任教師置身學校場域是充滿一圈圈交織的權力網,建構各式各樣對初任教師的規範。初任教師的專業教學過程中扮演重要他人角色的關鍵者是「學生」,他們依「重要他人」不斷修正自己上課方式。受到升學績效外在壓力的約束,他們教學內容的設計仍脫離不了以「考試引導教學」方式。大多初任教師對學生一開始採用愛護、鼓勵的人本觀點,但是教室管理寬嚴的拿捏會常受學生整體表現影響,可能改變某些價值取向與行為,可見學生對塑造初任教師行為 方面是有潛在影響力。 學校行政組織管控教師的機制本質由「控制」轉向「監督」,但是對於所謂「好老師」與「辦學成功的學校」依舊是以「績效」來判斷,這樣思維讓學校重複使用已行知多年的運作模式,初任教師在這一整套固定的規訓流程中,受到進一步規範。除了學校正式規範的運作,一些非正式規範、價值觀與互動,對初任教師影響也很大,例如:學校教師文化。 面對這些規範力量,初任教師會依據不同情境採取不同策略與行動,採用的策略有改變自己去「適應」環境;或表面「順從」而心中卻另有盤算。


初任教師 國民中學


Summary It is a main shaft studied that this thesis takes the post as benginner teacher's life of school with the national middle school, hope to understand that take the post as how the teacher incorporates the life of the school at the beginning junior middle school, on the other hand even probe into the operation mechanism of the structure of the school and some invisible norms from the train of thought of teacher's life, thus understand what teaching, management take the post as the teacher and study in this course for the first time, find out about teacher role and responsibility, accept of the same generation and value of school, and demonstrate the socialized behavior. Collection and analysis to study materials come to go on from two respects, observe and take the post as benginner teacher the land teacher in field in the classroom at first Grow the interdynamic real state and analyze, the materials in this respect are mostly by authors in the class and form master's office ,etc. observation, interview have. Secondly, observe, influence, take the post as school formal norm that teacher think and take action for the first time and not Formal norm, for example: Teacher's culture, the materials in this respect are collection that is reviewed via some literature and field view .Examine and chat about incomes with the teacher. Discover, it is full of a circle to enclose the power network that interweaved to take the post as the teacher and stay in the field land of the school for the first time, fill various types of respectively Kind, to taking the post as benginner the teacher's norm. The persons who take the post as the key of acting important others' role in the teacher's professional teaching course for the first time are ' student ', they constant revision have a class in the way in accordance with ' important others '. Entered a higher school the external pressure of the performance Restraint,the they content of courses one design break away from still by ' examination last teaching ' way. Mostly teach for the first time The teacher adopts the view of person that cherishes, encourages to students at the beginning, but a wide and tight one of management of the classroom is affectedly bashful and will be often studied Growing and behaving wholly influences, may change some value orientations and behaviors, it is obvious students are to moulding and taking the post as benginner teacher's behavior. The respect has potential influence. School administrative organization in charge of mechanism essence to accuse of teacher by ' controls ' turn to ' supervise ', but to as it always goes, ' fine teacher ' with ' run a school successful school ' come, judge with ' performance ', think, let school like this still Have reused and already done and known the operation way for many years, has taken the post as the teacher in these a whole set of fixed procedure of training of rule for the first time, receive Further standardize. Except the formally normal operation of the school, some unofficial norms, values and interdynamic, to the beginning Taking the post as the teacher influences very big too, for example: Teacher's culture of the school. Standardize strength in the face of these, will adopt different tactics and action according to different situation while taking the post as the benginner teacher, adopt Environment of having changes to go ' adapt to ' of tactics; Or but the surface ' submits to ' is otherwise calculated in the heart.




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