  • 學位論文


A Study on Performance Evaluation Indicator of Procurement and Supply Management: An Analysis of Taiwan Semiconductor Equipment Firms

指導教授 : 朱詣尹


論文探討台灣半導體設備公司之採購與供應管理績效評估指標。本研究結合採購策略及採購與供應管理之相關文獻與實際作業所著重之績效評估內容,建立績效指標地圖,並利用層級分析法(AHP)提出適合之關鍵績效評估指標。研究過程中亦透過個案驗證分析,進一步說明檢驗所提出之採購與供應管理績效評估指標之應用成效。 本研究提出一套適用於設備製造與設備代理之採購與供應管理績效評估指標之方法。此方法協助企業藉由績效評估了解採購與供應管理之實際作業績效概況,以及利用評估結果作為策略目標達成與後續採購策略修正的依據。另研究結果說明不同的採購策略目標會產生不同之績效評估內容與指標,故半導體設備代理與製造因採購策略目標不同,而產生不同之績效評估指標與評估結果應用。


The thesis considers the procurement and supply management evaluation indicator of Taiwanese semiconductor equipment firms. This study combines the performance evaluation content from the literature and practices related to purchasing strategy and supply management to set up the performance indicator maps, then uses the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) analysis to derive the key performance evaluation indicators. Through a set of case study and evaluation, this study tests the applicability and effectiveness of the indicators. This study provides a method suitable for deriving performance evaluation indicator of procurement and supply management for semiconductor equipment manufacturing and equipment firms. The method may assist the firms to assess the procurement performance as well as the related procurement strategy. In addition, the evaluation indicators derived, as indicated in this study, are dependent on the procurement strategy used.


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