  • 學位論文


Impact of FDI in China and Investment in R&D on Trade in Value Added : Empirical Evidence from the Taiwanese Manufacturing Sector

指導教授 : 馮炳萱


全球化與資訊科技的進步,企業將生產活動部分外包,國際分工愈來愈盛行。產品的製程常由多國分擔製造,最終在勞力豐富的地區完成,才售往消費市場;零組件生產者的製作過程需要其他國家進口的原材料與技術,形成涵蓋多國的產業供應鏈體系。但是當前的貿易統計以貨品的交易價值為計算基礎,負責組裝及出口最終產品的國家,因出口金額高,成為最終財出口國,可是真正創造的價值相當有限。因此以傳統方式以交易價值計算的雙邊貿易關係可能出現偏差。在小型經濟體中,國內資源有限,很多原料及零件必須自國外進口,接著加工後再出口,因此出口品的境內含量較低,以附加價值計算的貿易值亦較低。 本研究探討台灣各產業出口附加價值的演變,以及研發投資、對國外投資等可能因素對產業出口毛額和外國最終需求中國內附加價值影響的比較。利用國際經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)1995、2000、2005、2008 及 2009 年的附加價值貿易統計進行實證分析。結果顯示,第一,台灣各產業的出口國內附加價值佔出口毛額比例有逐年下降的趨勢,南韓及中國亦有類似的現象。第二,台灣多數產業對貿易夥伴的出口毛額或是外國最終需求中國內附加價值皆受到對中國投資的負面影響,原油價格上升令國內附加價值佔出口毛額比例下降,對中國投資則造成該比例上升。


With globalization and advance in information technology, firms tend to offshore their production activities, and international division of labor has become increasingly popular in recent years. Production process is often shared by multiple countries and final assembly is completed in labor abundant countries. Producers of parts and components (such as Taiwan) need to import materials and intermediate inputs, and their products are exported to assembling countries for further process, and then exported to the final destination. Fragmentation of production procedures forms the global supply chains and poses challenge to measuring country contribution to international trade. Current trade statistics is based on the transaction value of goods, making the assemblers of finished product the final exporters. However, the value-added attributable to these countries is often quite limited. In the presence of global value chains, bilateral trade relation measured in traditional way may not reflect the true country contribution to international trade and there has been a call for using value-added to measure international trade. This thesis sets out to trace changes in trade in value-added for Taiwanese manufacturing industries and evaluate the relative importance of possible determinants such as foreign direct investment ( FDI ) in China, investment in R&D, and price of crude oil. The empirical analysis uses the Trade in Value-added ( TiVA ) statistics published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development ( OECD ) in years 1995, 2000, 2005, 2008 and 2009. This study have two main findings. First, the share of domestic value-added in gross exports for Taiwanese manufacturing industries has declined over time, and South Korea and China have similar experience. Second, both gross exports and domestic value-added embodied in foreign final domestic demand are negatively affected by FDI con the other hand, is negatively affected by the soaring price of crude oil and positively influenced by FDI in China.


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