  • 學位論文


Sino-Annamite and Chinese Min-Nan Dialect

指導教授 : 張光宇


本論文以比較越南語漢越音及廈門閩南音為主。通過比較,我們探討出以下四個有趣問題。(一)、漢越音和海南島上的閩南音也有可觀的相似度。例如,在聲母系統上,兩者都沒有送氣舌尖塞擦音,兩者在演變過程上都有下列情況:p >  , t > , s > t, ts > t。這些相似的變化,原因可能並不單純,也許得從底層語言的音韻系統去探討才可能說得清楚。(二)、漢越音和閩南音有不少相似之處,尤其是閩南的文讀音系統。這一點是豪不足為奇,因為漢越音和閩南文讀音的共同源頭是唐代標準語。(三)、討論漢越音裡所反映的古漢語的重紐現象(四)、通過探討文獻、我們推論說漢越音的[]就是古漢語的舌尖元音的反映。此點很合乎於張光宇教授2009把舌尖元音化過程整理成有節拍而完整的表格。此表格也驗證了漢語是在晚唐初宋傳進越南的。 隨著比較範圍廣大,值得探討的問題也越來越多。例如,漢越音的韻母系統在若干方面與漢語的粵方言頗為相近。這個問題連同我們在閩南語所遭遇的問題,漢語語音史上的問題,都是經由漢越音與閩南音的比較一一浮現出來,由於牽涉範圍太廣,留待將來深入探討。


The aim of this thesis is to compare Sino-Annamtite and Chinese Min-Nan dialect (Xiamen). Comparing Sinno-Annamite with Min-Nan dialect in Xiamen, I find out these four interesting points. First, following Professor Chang Guang Yu’s (1989) discovery of chain-shift (drag-chain) relations between Xiamen Southern Min (XSM) and Haikou Southern Min, I found that Sino-Annamite and XSM also have a chain-shift relation. Both Haikou dialect (spoken in Hainan islands) and Sino Annamite share a number of sound changes: p > , t > , s > t, ts > t. How these similarities have come about is an intriguing issue that is to be addressed through a substratum theory assuming that the aborigines on the Hainan Island spoke a language similar to Vietnamese. Second, there are numerous resemblances between Sino-Annamite and Southern Min Chinese. The latter makes a distinction between literary and colloquial pronunciations. To be more precise, it is the literary form of Southern Min Chinese that is closer to Sino-Annamite. The reason behind is that both have ultimately derived from Tang Koine - a standard language based on the Chang’an dialect, then the imperial hub, which spread throughout China and its neighbors like Japan, Korea and Vietnam. Third is the phenomenon of Chongniu in ancient Chinese which has reflexes in Sino-Annamite, i.e., ancient Chinese plosive bilabial sound (幫母) corresponds to [b] and [t] while nasal bilabial sound (明母) corresponds to [m] and [z] or [j] in Sino-Annamite. Last, again based on the research of Professor Chang Kuang Yu (2009), it can be assumed that [] in Sino-Annamite is the reflection of the Chinese apical vowel, which also proves that Chinese may have spread to Vietnam in the end of Tang and the beginning of Song Dynasty. This point can be considered one major contribution of this thesis because it has not been mentioned before. As the scope of comparison widens, more and more questions keep coming to the fore. Among other things, Sino-Annamite resembles the Cantonese dialect in some aspects of the final system. This issue, along with other issues encountered in Min and Chinese historical phonology, is briefly addressed in this preliminary study of comparative phonology.


Crowley, Terry
1997 An Introduction to Historical Linguistics. Oxford University Press.
2004 Historical Linguistics-An Introduction. The MIT Press.
Nguyen, Dinh Hoa
1997 Vietnamese. John Benjamin Publishing company (Amsterdam/ Philadenphia).

