  • 學位論文


A Study of Neolithic Remains excavated from Wuming Cave 4 at Baxiandong Site

指導教授 : 臧振華


八仙洞遺址為臺灣的國定遺址,以出土舊石器時代「長濱文化」相關遺存聞名。然而,遺址中除了舊石器時代文化的遺存外,也包含大量的新石器時代遺存。歷來這些新石器時代遺存的文化歸屬較少進行深入的研究,因此其文化內涵亟待釐清。本論文即為臺東縣八仙洞遺址近年新發現的一處洞穴——無名洞四中所發掘出土新石器時代文化遺存的研究報告。 無名洞四海拔高度77.9公尺,位於八仙洞海蝕洞群的第二層平台,此平台的周圍及上下方皆可見相似的新石器時代晚期遺留。本論文由無名洞四洞口及洞外探坑的地層疊壓狀況、出土陶器與石器的類型學分析,以及文化層中絕對年代的測定成果,試圖為該洞穴所出土新石器文化遺存進行文化歸屬的定位,並整理、歸納學者們對臺灣東部地區新石器時代晚期文化的研究,對卑南文化、麒麟文化及花崗山文化間文化分類的疑義進行討論。經由上述的分析討論,本文作者研判無名洞四所出土新石器時代晚期的文化,應歸屬為「卑南文化麒麟類型」或「卑南文化麒麟地方相」,年代約距今3300-2800年,屬於該文化的早期階段。


Baxiandong site is a nationally designated archaeological site, which is characterized by the Changpin Culture. This culture is well-known because it's so far the only Palaeolithic culture found in Taiwan. Besides the Palaeolithic culture, however, numerous artifacts belonged to late Neolithic age have also been uncovered at the Baxiandong site. This thesis is in an attempt to study these Neolithic artifacts excavated from a newly-found cave named Wuming Cave 4, which is located at the second terrace, with an altitude of 77.9 meters above the current sea-level, of the uplifted conglomerate rocks at Baxiandong. The major problems concerned in this study include: 1. to identify the cultural belonging of the Neolithic remains from Wuming Cave 4, 2. to clarify the debates of the classificatory problem of the Neolithic cultures of Peinan, Chilin and Huakangshan on the east coast of Taiwan. The methods utilized in this study are mainly based on typological, stratigraphical and chronological analyses. The analytical results show that the Neolithic cultural remains of the Wuming Cave 4 should be identified as the Chilin type of the Peinan Culture or a local Chilin phase of the Peinan Culture, which is dated about 3300-2800 B.P.


2011 〈台灣史前考古學「文化」〉。《人類與文化》 42:122-139。
2006《卑南遺址發掘 1986~1989》。台北:國立臺灣大學出版中心。
2007 〈花蓮縣玉里鎮高寮遺址試掘簡報〉。刊於《「2007年國立臺灣大學人類學系與中央研究院民族學研究所合作培訓計畫成果發表會」會議論文集》。台北:國立台灣大學人類學系。
Childe, Gordon
1. 中文、日文著作:
