  • 學位論文

美國史家William H. McNeill的世界史觀

William H. McNeill's World History Historiography

指導教授 : 李弘祺


世界史研究在二十世紀前半期得到重視後,到了1960年代以後美國出現一股研究世界史的風潮,而William H. McNeill (以下稱為麥克尼爾)對世界史研究的貢獻和提倡是引領此風潮的關鍵因素之一。本論文的主旨是研究麥克尼爾的世界史觀與他對世界史研究的影響。他的成名作是《西方的興起》(The Rise of the West),這本書綜合了先前的世界史研究的成果,運用文明為世界史的歷史分析單位並結合文化傳播的概念來闡述世界史的發展。 本論文是一篇史學史的論文,筆者強調學術思想的發展如何影響麥克尼爾的世界史研究,而筆者主要依據他的自傳《追尋真理》(The Pursuit of Truth)的內容來進行分析。本論文分為五章。第一章是緒論,旨在介紹麥克尼爾的學術生平、思想發展和其著作,並分析他對世界史的性質、功用和教育的觀點。 第二章討論麥克尼爾的世界史方法論,筆者從三個課題進行分析,這三個課題分別為世界史的歷史分析單位、世界史的分期和歷史變遷的動力。第三章則闡釋麥克尼爾的史學思想中的環境觀。到了晚年的時候,他越來越強調自然環境對世界史發展的影響。本文採用演化世界觀(evolutionary worldview)和人類生態史(human ecological history)來說明他的史學思想中的環境觀。第四章是評論麥克尼爾的世界史觀與其影響,文中舉Jerry Bentley、David Christian、和John R. McNeill三人為例,來論述麥克尼爾對美國的世界史研究的啟發。 第五章是結論,筆者認為麥克尼爾豎立了世界史書寫的新典範,那就是世界史成為結合人類史和環境史的一種歷史書寫型態。麥克尼爾在世界史研究的努力和貢獻,導致自然環境成為世界史發展的關鍵因素。


World history as a field of historical studies emerged in the first half of twentieth century. After 1960, more scholars engaged in the study of world history in U. S. Among them, William H. McNeill was an important historian to do great contributions to the study of world history, and promote the study of world history. This thesis will research into McNeill’s historiography of world history, and his influence on the study of world history in U. S. The famous work of McNeill was The Rise of the West. This book synthesized the achievements of previous study of world history, and it adopted civilization as unit of historical analysis and applied the concept of cultural diffusion to interpret the advancement of world history. This is a thesis of historiography. I will focus on the intellectual framework and base on his memoir, The Pursuit of Truth, to analyze and interpret McNeill’s historiography of world history. There are five chapters in this thesis. The first chapter is an introduction. I will sketch in the intellectual growth of McNeill, and analyze his viewpoints on the character, meaning, and teaching of world history. In chapter two, I will discuss the methodology of world history from three problems: units of historical analysis, periodization scheme of world history, historical dynamic in world history. I will investigate the factor of environment in McNeill’s historiography in chapter three. McNeill emphasized more on the natural environment’s influence on the development of world history in his later works. McNeill brought up evolutionary worldview and human ecological history these two important arguments. I will comment on McNeill’s historiography, and account for his inspiration on the study of world history in U. S. Chapter five is the conclusion of this thesis. I shall explain how McNeill set a new paradigm of world history writing. This paradigm is to view world history as an interconnection between human history and environmental history.


――:〈進步的理念-20世紀的挑戰〉,《新史學》,第12卷2期(2001),頁 131-172。
――:〈撰史憑誰定良窳?--試論「良史」的變與不變〉,《臺大歷史學報》,第44期(2009),頁 1-41。
―― 與高明士編著:《戰後台灣的歷史學研究,1945-2000》,第八冊〈世界史〉,台北:國科會,2004。
