  • 學位論文


A comparative study of Kazakh and Chinese color words

指導教授 : 黃漢君


漢文化的歷史非常的悠久,並且在歷史上影響了周邊許許多多的民族。漢語承載著漢族人的智慧,是漢族人歷史文化的沉澱與智慧的結晶。作為來自哈薩克的留學生,我想到了漢語和我的母語之間的異同。從哈薩克語和漢語的對比整理出這兩個民族不同的認知,和對事物的不同解讀成為我寫這篇論文的動機。從對比可以看出人類不同認知的有趣現象。世界上所有的民族對顏色的認知可以說是大同小異,因為顏色的現象是光波的作用,是光波經過視覺神經和大腦所形成的結果,而世界上所有的人類在生理層面都具備辨識光波的能力。可是不同民族對顏色派生意義的認知與解讀就大相徑庭了。顏色作為自然現象,存在於人類生活的每一個角落,並且和我們的世界觀、語言發展、我們對外面世界的認知有緊密的聯繫。顏色和人類的生活緊密相連,也是人類認知當中最基本的。因為歷史、宗教、習俗和政治因素,每一個民族對世界有不同的看法。顏色詞作為文化現象或多或少反映出它背後所代表的文化。不同國家的人以不同的角度看待事物,產生出不同的世界觀,並且在不同語言背景顏色詞的隱喻也不盡相同。這篇論文從歷史、政治、環境因素分析比較了哈薩克語和漢語中的黑、白、紅、黃、藍、綠色。本篇論文所選擇的顏色是哈薩克語和漢語中文化隱喻較為豐富的顏色,可以鮮明的對比出哈薩克語與漢語顏色詞隱喻的異同。 關鍵詞:顏色詞、文化、對比


顏色詞 文化 比較


Chinese culture has a long history and has influenced so many neighboring nations in the history.Chinese language carries the wisdom of the Han chinese people.It is a result of chinese people’s history and culture. As a foreign student from kazakhstan,I came across the similarities and differences between Chinese and my mother tongue.Sorting out the differences between Kazakh and Chinese languages ,and different interpretations to things is my intention to write this dissertation.From the contrast we can see the interesting phenomenon of human cognition.The perception of colors in all nations of the world can be said to be much the same.Because the phenomenon of color is the light wave effect,Is the result of light waves through the optic nerve and the brain.All huamn beings in the world have the ability to recognize light waves at the physiological level.However ,the cognition and interpretation of the color derivation meaning by different ethnic groups are very different.The color, as a natural phenomenon, exists in every corner of human life and has a very tight connection with our understandings of the world, language development and our perceptions and experiences of the outside world. Color and human life are tightly connected and the perception of color is one of the most basic human cognitive categories. Because of historical, religious, traditional and political factors, each nation has different opinions of the world。The color, as a matter of fact, becomes a cultural phenomenon. Words more or less faithfully reflect the culture behind people from different countries look at things from different perspectives, which lead to different world views. In different language backgrounds, the cultural implication of color words are also different.This thesis discusses color terms in Kazakh and Chinese. Historical,political,as well as environmental factors influence and shape how the color terms appear to become what they are today. A comparison between Kazakh and Chinese also shed light to the cultural differences. Keywords: color words, culture, contrast


color words culture contrast


