  • 學位論文


Key Factors for Airline Catering Quality–A Case Study of China Pacific Catering Services

指導教授 : 邱榆淨


摘要 隨著實施週休二日、國民所得日漸增加、休閒的分配時間變得更長,使得旅遊市場呈現穩定成長趨勢,出國旅遊已經成為國人休閒活動的主要選項。在航空業越來越競爭的情況之下,航空公司如何抓住消費者的心以及受到消費者的青睞,就必須彰顯航空公司服務品質的獨特性。機上的餐飲對航空公司是非常重要的,常有航空公司將機上餐飲當成行銷的焦點及手段,用以吸引旅客搭乘。機上服務品質最重要前三項之一就是食物服務品質,其機上餐點服務品質影響著旅客對航空公司滿意度與忠誠度。綜上所述可看出機上餐飲品質的重要性。 以空廚業而言,購買空廚產品及服務的顧客是航空公司,而使用空廚產品及服務則是機上旅客。本研究採用PZB模式並利用DANP法,釐清準則間相互影響的關係,探討消費者及航空公司兩者對於的餐飲品質關鍵因素,了解航空公司的想法與消費者實際需求是否符合,提供空廚公司有效的改善方法及建議。 本研究結果顯示,影響航空餐飲品質之共同關鍵因素有「餐飲品質」、「機上餐飲選擇服務」、「客製化餐飲選擇」及「菜色多變性」。在關鍵因素中「餐飲品質」、「機上餐飲選擇服務」、「客製化餐飲選擇」及「菜色多變性」的績效表現不佳,仍有可努力的空間。 影響航空餐飲品質因素眾多,個別航空公司考量的重點亦有不同,但須要有系統化的評估方式才足以提供企業參考。本研究結果與發現,期望有助於台灣空廚公司於航空餐飲品質改善過程中有所運用及幫助。 關鍵字:航空餐飲品質、PZB模式、DANP法、關鍵因素、空廚


ABSTRACT With the adoption of the two-day weekend, the increment of GDP, and longer leisure time, tourism market shows a stable growth trend and traveling abroad has become a major option in people’s leisure activity plans. Under the situation of increasing competition in the aviation industry, airline companies have to show their uniqueness of service quality to catching consumers’ attention and loyalty. Also, airline catering is one of the main aspects and some airline companies take it as a selling point to drawing customers. Food catering is one of the top three service qualities on board and it affects airline customers’ satisfaction To airline catering industry, Aviation Company is the customer who purchases products and services of airline catering, and on-board tourists are airline catering products and service users. This study adopts PZB model and DANP method to reason out cause-effect relations between criteria and key factors of catering quality from Aviation Company and tourists. Understanding the consistency of thoughts and need between Aviation Company and tourists and to offer some suggestions to airline catering company. The results show that the key factors affecting the quality of airline catering are quality of catering service, options of catering service, customized dining and variability of food. Furthermore, the performance of these four key factors is poor and it is need to be improved. Many factors affect the quality of airline catering and every Aviation Company has different considerations. Therefore, there should be a systematic way of evaluation as a reference for enterprise management. We wish the outcomes of this study will be helpful for Taiwan’s airline catering companies during their improvement process. Keywords: Airline catering qaulity, PZB, DANP, Key factor, Airline catering servie.


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駱俊賢、黃世浩,2014年,以 PZB 模式探討餐飲業服務品質與顧客滿意度之因果關係研究,運動休閒餐旅研究,9卷3期,1-22。


