  • 學位論文


The Effect of Experience Appeals and the Purpose to Use Internet on the Internet Advertisement Performance

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


隨著網路人口快速成長,網際網路已成為僅次於電視的第二大媒體。於是網路廣告也逐漸成為企業在行銷市場這塊大餅中的另一個兵家必爭之地。然而消費者的口味與喜好變化快速,加上其網路使用目的與動機可能並不相同,如果呈現單調相同的網路廣告,可能在效果上會完全不同。Pine and Gilmore(1998)更指出:「二十一世紀已進入體驗經濟時代,未來行銷戰場將集中於消費體驗之建立」。因此,本研究特別將體驗的概念引入到網路廣告研究中,並針對不同的消費者網路使用目的進行探討,進一步驗證其對廣告績效的影響。 然而,過去體驗行銷研究較少針對網際網路的環境來進行探討,因此本研究將參考過去廣告與體驗的相關研究建構一體驗廣告模型。模型中引用Pine an Gilmore(1998)與Schmitt(1999)所提出之體驗行銷的觀點與理論作為本研究模型之理論基礎,共歸納出四個網路廣告體驗訴求手法:「感官訴求」、「情感訴求」、「教育訴求」、「娛樂訴求」。並結合Hoffman and Novak(1996)對網路使用瀏覽行為的觀點:「目標導向」與「遊歷導向」。藉以探討體驗訴求與消費者網路使目的如何影響網路廣告的績效。本研究採取實驗室實驗法,配合課程之要求招募所有修課之學生代表本研究之受測樣本。透過實驗網站的登入,隨機分配不同任務導向中兩則體驗廣告給予受測者,於瀏覽後給予廣告績效問卷。紀錄受測者在廣告態度、品牌態度、購買意願、產品回憶與品牌回憶之廣告績效。而根據本研究實證研究結果,歸納出以下結論: 1.網路廣告中,體驗訴求的「教育訴求」對廣告績效中的「廣告態度」與「購買意願」影響效果最佳;「情感訴求」對廣告績效中的「品牌態度」影響最好。 2.網路廣告中,「網路使用目的」對「廣告績效」的影響,只有「產品回憶」的影響呈現顯著的結果。 3.網路廣告中,「教育訴求」對「目標導向」消費者的「廣告態度」影響效果較佳;「娛樂訴求」對「目標導向」消費者的「品牌態度」影響效果較佳;而「感官訴求」對「目標導向」消費者的「購買意願」影響效果明顯最佳。


Internet has been become to the second media merely next to television to comply with speedy grow-up of network populations. Gradually, Internet advertising has thus become to another marketing competitive scope for industries. However, due to fast change of consumers’ taste and favorite as well as difference of purposes and motivation of using Internet, the outcome may not be same if monotonous and same Internet advertising is presented. Pine and Gilmore (1998) pointed out:「Twenty-one century has been entered to experienced economy era; therefore, an arena of war for marketing will be focused to set up a consumption experience in the future」. Hence, this study has specially led the concept of experience into Internet advertising research, as well as the usage of purpose of consumers’ Internet in the light of different consumers and has proceeded research and, furthermore, verified its impact toward advertising performance. However, the experienced marketing research in the past is seldom aimed at the environment of internet to proceed research. With reference of related research of advertising and experience, this study will construct a model of experienced advertising with citation of Pine and Gilmore (1998) and Schmitt (1999) views and theory of experienced marketing as the theory foundation for this study. Four appeals of Internet advertising experience are concluded:「organic appeals」,「emotional appeals」,「educational appeals」and 「entertainment appeals」. Views of surfing behavior toward using Internet by Hoffman and Novak (1996) of「objective-orientated」and「peregrination-oriented」are also combined in order to confer experienced appeals and how does objective of consumes Internet usage impact Internet advertising performance. This study adopted Laboratory Experiments and testing samples of all student representatives of the selected course to meet program requirements. Through input of experimental website, two types of different assignment-oriented experienced advertising given to testers have been randomly allocated and questionnaire of advertising performance have been given after surfing. Testers’ advertising attitude, brand attitude, buying willingness, product remembrance and effectiveness of brand remembrance have been recorded. In accordance with experimental research results of this study, the following points have been concluded: 1.In the scope of network advertising,「educational appeals」of the experienced appeals influenced the most toward 「advertising attitude」 and 「buying willingness」of advertising effectiveness, whilst「emotional appeals」to 「brand attitude」of advertising effectiveness influenced the best. 2.In the scope of network advertising, only impact of the 「product remembrance」has been presented remarkable results in terms of effect of 「objective of network usage」to 「advertising effectiveness」. 3.In the scope of network advertising, the effect of「educational appeals」 to 「advertising attitude」of the objective-oriented consumers is better; as well as the effect of「entertainment appeals」to 「brand attitude」of the objective-oriented consumers is better; however, the effect of「organic appeals」 to 「buying willingness」of the objective-oriented consumers is the best.


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