  • 學位論文


A Study of Chinese-English Code-Switching - An Investigation of External and Personal Factors

指導教授 : 鄭谷苑




Bilingualism and/or multilingualism are important topics in various research areas; however, studies on the most common language mixing phenomenon – code switching – are relatively rare. Literatures on Code-Switching (CS) demonstrated some factors could cause language mixing phenomenon in two Indo-European Languages. But will those factors be as effective to cause CS of languages from different language families (e.g., Chinese of Sino-Tibetan and English in Indo-European langauges)? Furthermore, can CS be found on unbalanced bilinguals? Is there any relationship between those effective factors with different levels of effect on CS? In order to answer those questions, three studies were conducted using Chinese-English unbalanced bilinguals as the subjects. Study one is to explore the effect of both external factors (Culture Article, Sound and Demand) and personal factors (Age and Experience) on CS. Due to the lack of English using environment in Taiwan, articles presented in study two was in English only, instead of Chinese-English mixed format in study 1, to encourage and foster more English using. Study three is to manipulate both external (Specialty Article) and personal factors (Standard and Specialty) in the same study to improve the defects of previous studies. From these three studies, we wish to seek for the crucial factors that would cause Chinese-English CS, and to better understand the occurrence of CS in Chinese-English bilinguals in Taiwan. The result suggested factors with various levels of effect, personal factors: Experience, Specialty and Standard are the most influential factors, followed by the external factor Demand. Other external factors: Article and Sound only work while the personal factors activate first. In general, personal factors are much influential than external factors. This result not only supports the language continuous mode proposed by Grosjean (1998) from the unbalanced bilinguals, it also provides the meaning of factors on this mode. Two major conclusion were then drawn. First of all, explanation was provided for the lack of CS on Chinese-English bilinguals with many years of L2 learning experience. Secondly, by the comparison of the result of our study and other Chinese-English bilingual CS literature, we provide evidences on cultural and environmental factors on CS. Language mode continuum model was brought up again for a better picture of CS in Taiwan.


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