  • 學位論文


A Bandwidth Reservation Algorithm for Wireless Cellular Networks Considering Mobility Characteristic and Service Level Agreement

指導教授 : 林志浩


在無線蜂巢網路中,預期將可提供整合語音、資料、影像及多媒體等多樣性的資料傳輸服務,而多樣化資料傳輸除了需要大量的頻寬資源,還要求嚴格的服務品質,因此在無線蜂巢網路中,頻寬是最關鍵的資源,所以必須用最有效率的方法來管理這些頻寬資源。 研究中將針對以下三點重要問題進行探討:第一、根據使用者移動的機率,決定一次有多少個cell必須被計算其保留的頻寬?第二、應保留多少頻寬才算適當?第三、如何在新通話與交遞通話之間取得使用頻寬資源的平衡? 本研究主要目的為提出有效的頻寬保留演算法。依據每位使用者不同的服務類型與移動的機率有效率的調整並保留使用者的頻寬,另外,加上服務等級協議(Service Level Agreement, SLA)的考量,在滿足使用者移動的特性、cellular的結構、鄰近cells頻寬的使用情況以及允入控制的條件限制下,提供一動態的資源分配機制,以提高系統使用的效能,最大化頻寬使用率,使服務提供者得到最大的收益。 實驗過程中會模擬多種情境進行效益的評估,特別針對頻寬資源與收益最大化的目標深入探討,並且提供QoS的保證以及允入控制之技術。另外,當使用者與服務提供者在協議合約內容時,使用者應該依照自己的需求進行合約的簽訂,合約簽訂後服務提供者必須覆行合約內容,否則將損失更多的利益;在服務提供者方面,與使用者協商時應該要謹慎的考量可否達到使用者的各項要求,才進行合約的簽訂。相信透過本研究的成果,對於未來使用者在簽訂協議或服務提供者在管理網路資源及針對SLA的內容進行網路的服務時,會有相當大的助益。


In wireless cellular network, it is expected to support integrating a diversity of data transmission services, such as audio, data, video and multimedia, etc. Besides making a great demand for bandwidth resource, multiplicity data transmission requests stringent Quality of Service. Bandwidth is the most critical resource in wireless cellular network and thus, the bandwidth resource must be managed in the most efficient method. There is a disscussion on three important questions in the research. These points are as follows: First, according to user’s mobility probability, how many cells must be calculated their bandwidth? Second, how much bandwidth must be resvered properly? Third, how to obtain the balance of using bandwidth resource between new calls and handoff calls? The chief purpose of this research is to address the effective bandwidth reservation algorithm. According to every user’s different service type and mobility probability, the algorithm can adjust and reserve user’s bandwidth. Besides, considering adding Service Level Agreement, in satisfying many constraints, such as user’s mobility characteristic, the structure of cells, the usage condition of bandwidth near cells and admission control, the algorithm provides a dynamic resource distribution mechanism to enhance an effect on a system, maximum usage of bandwidth and make service providers gain the most revenue. The research simulates various cases to estimate benefit in experiment process, aims at bandwidth resource and maximum revenues to discuss especially, and provides Quality of Service guarantee and techniques of admission control. Besides, when a user communicates the agreement with a service provide, a user signs the agreement according to demend himself. After signing the agreement, the service provider must observe the agreement. Otherwise, the service provider will loss more revenue. In service providers’ aspects, when they communicate the agreement with users, they must consider carefully that they can reach users’ requests. When users sign the agreement or service providers manage network resources and proceed network services by means of the research achievements in future, I believe that it quite has a great benefit.


[33]林佑政,民90,VLSI CAD中一些最佳化問題之研究,中原大學電子工程研究所博士論文
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