  • 學位論文


The Study of Consumer Purchase in Mobile Commerce

指導教授 : 吳肇銘


智慧型手機的發達改變了現代人的生活,在電子商務時代的演進已進入行動商務階段,依廣告服務技術公司 Criteo發布2016年上半年行動商務報告,東南亞零售業者的在行動銷售的市場,比去年同期擴增了37%,佔了電子商務總量的54%,台灣行動網購量更達到交易總量的60%,為亞洲地區行動購物最高國家。影響行動商務成為電子商務的銷售主流為何?本研究以科技接受理論結合創新擴散理論為基礎,探討消費者在行動商務上購買行為之研究,採用多重個案研究方法,就開放性問題進行歸納、比較,得出消費者在行動商務上購買之關鍵因素,經參著使用科技接受模式、創新擴散理理論、結合行動商務平臺的相對優勢、相容性、複雜性、可試驗性、可觀察性、使用態度對購買意圖的實際行為影響,研究發現影響使用行動商務的意向除有用、易用之外,亦會受到「社群影響」、「網路安全」、「網路口碑」等不同之外在因素,另發現年齡與職業別的不同亦有不同行動商務消費傾向,提供衡量行動商務行為面向的研究者在理論分析的依據,建立未來學者研究相關理論的基礎,另在實證研究發現,使用桌機網購及行動商務具備不同的使用效用,業者在未來在網購的市場亦可參著調整銷售策略。


Smartphone developed has changed people's lives, in the evolution of e-commerce has entered the commercial phase of the operation, according to advertising services and technology company Criteo releases first half of 2016 business reports, retailers in the sales market in Southeast Asia, amplification of 37% over the last year, accounting for 54% of the total e-commerce, Taiwan's online shopping more trading volume reached 60%, for shopping in Asia the Supreme State. Impact business became the mainstream e-commerce sales why? This research to technology acceptanceBased on the theory of innovation diffusion theory, research on consumer buying behavior in the business of using multiple case study approach, open questions are summarized and compared, concluded that consumers in the key factor for business purchases, by use of the technology acceptance model, innovation diffusion theory, combined with the relative advantages of mobile commerce platform,Compatibility, complexity, experimental, observational, used on purchase intention and actual behavior, the study found that using mobile commerce intention apart from the useful, easy, would be "community impact" and "network security", "online reputation" of different external factors, also found that age and occupation other various different Business CouncilTendency to provide researchers in business-oriented theory of action based on the analysis of established basis for future scholars study the theory, empirical studies have found that using table shopping and mobile commerce with different utility, industry in the online shopping market in the future can also be adjusted sales strategies.


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