  • 學位論文


Development of 3D Tool for Simulating LV Motion

指導教授 : 胡威志


摘要 本研究利用電腦斷層影像分析左心室功能參數探討左心室在心動週期時的運動變化。將左心室內膜建構成一3D立體模型,以實際左心室立體影像當作基礎,模擬左心室運動週期變化,觀察其容積變化與室壁運動,建立左心室運動數學模型以評估分析左心室實際運動效能。 本研究以手動方式在3D立體影像中尋找左心室的中心軸,以中心軸為基準在短軸切面影像從二尖辦到心尖所有內膜總和為實際左心室內膜範圍,以區域成長和B-Spline的方式圈選該影像之左心室內膜重新對左心室邊緣取樣,將圈選過的內膜計算出總容積並建立三角立體網格模型。本研究利用圓柱螺旋和阿基米德螺線兩種運動來模擬左心室在各個時序下的運動週期,實際以左心室長軸高度與短軸切面旋轉角度模擬左心室運動,短軸切面旋轉角度是依據實際左心室容積在各個時序下變化差異所設定,收縮末期為20度而舒張末期為0度,並計算出容積與室壁變化。 本研究以模擬的結果與實際之影像比較其相關性,以評估本研究之左心室運動模擬模型之效能,分析二十二組非心房顫動之心臟電腦斷層影像,其平均射血分率為70.96±5.76%,本論文所設計之三角立體網格左心室運動模型所得其容積變化量與實際左心室做比較,結果顯示出在各個時序下其平均容積差為2.92±3.09(ml),且在模擬容積變化方面相關度為 (r=0.93)。在室壁運動方面,模擬與實際運動在各時序下之平均差異為1.55±0.47(mm),評估數據顯示模擬左心室運動及體積變化所推算出的容積與實際左心室容積有非常好的相關性,且在室壁運動模擬也有良好的相似度,這個結果顯示利用左心室長軸變化量與心肌旋轉角度為基礎的螺旋運動模型可模擬左心室運動。


Abstract This study modeled the Left Ventricular (LV) motion using parameters of myocardial twisting angle and shortening of LV long axis. The modeling will enlighten the complexity of LV motion, and, provide clinical applications. The function of the myocardial twisting angle was derived from the LV time-volume curve. The function of the shortening of long axis was derived from actual continuous 3D cardio-images. The LV 3D contours were extraced from mitral valve to the apex. The the LV endocardial contour was delineated using seed region growth method and B-Spline. The information of the delineated endocardial contours was used to reconstruct 3D cardiac model using Triangular mesh method. The cylindroid helical-coil and Archimedean spiral model which were using the function of myocardial twisting angle and the function of shortening of LV long axis to simulate the LV motion. Twenty two sets of the heart’s volume-time curve (VTC) were analyzed. The ejection fraction (EF) of each data set was evaluated. The average of EF was 70.96±5.76%. The accuracy of model simulation was evaluated in each time frame. The average difference of volume between simulated LV and real continuous 3D cardio images was 2.92±3.09(ml). The correlation of simulated LV volumes to the real continuous 3D cardio images was 0.93. The average difference short axis radius of each time frame in the cardio cycle was 1.55±0.47(mm). This result has shown that the LV motion could be modeled using the function of shorten LV long axis and the function of the myocardial twisting angle.


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